Sunnydale High Drama Presents

Mar 23, 2012 23:31

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8: Opening Night

Ben and Izzy arrived first, much to their own surprise. They usually arrived after someone. Ben shrugged and went strait to the piano. Izzy went off to check the props.

Ben sat for a moment, looking blankly at the keys. Then, picking a song, he began to play.


"Are you coming tonight?" Willow asked, putting the last book away.

"Of course." Giles smiled. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Your part is what again?"

"I'm one of three girls who are sort of like, narrators." the girl told him. She glanced at her watch. "Ooh! I'd better go! See you tonight!" Without another word, she ran from the


Snyder sat in his office, glowering at nothing. Tonight was the opening night of the play. Mr. Dean hadn't reported anything unusual during the run of rehearsals, but he was certain
that somehow Summers and her gang would screw it up. And he intended to be there when they did.


"Good luck tonight Buffy." Mrs. Summers said from the doorway of her daughter's room. "Or is it Break a Leg?"

"I'm crew," Buffy reasoned, "Not cast, so I forgot to ask what the appropriate one is. Probably something like break an actor's leg. I'm still new to all these theater superstitions."

"Well either way, I'm looking forward to seeing it. I think it's wonderful that you're getting involved in extra-curricular activities."


Willow sat in the front row of the audience listening to Ben playing the piano. He'd gone through several different movie and TV themes while she'd been listening. He wasn't bad, he played simply, but he figured out every song he played by ear.

"Do you play?" he asked. He stood from the piano, apparently having exhausted his repertoire.

"Oh no," Willow insisted. "Well, some, but not when people listen."

"Yeah," Ben sympathized, "I didn't used to play when people listen either. Actually, I still don't. Unless the person listening isn't the kind to ridicule me."

"Well you kind of got me pegged in that department." Willow laughed.


"Where are my shoes?"

"Who needs base?"

"Has anyone seen my Wildroot Cream Oil?"

"Someone gave me the wrong socks!"

"Nicole can I borrow your hair gel?"

"Joe don't panic but Ben and Chris got Xander to write his name on the floor in cursive with Lysol!"

"Girl coming in!"


"Ten minutes to Green Room!"

"My parents are coming so don't screw it up for me!"

"Don't forget to check your props!"



Joe began to stomp and clap his hands. The regulars would know what it meant and get the newbies on stage. As more people came on, he sped up the rhythm, while Mickey and Kamau each started a new beat so by the time everyone was there, they had a Stomp-like thing going.

"Row Row Row your boat,
Gently down the stream!
Ha ha fooled you!
I'm a submarine!" Joe sang.

"Announcements, announcements, annouuuuncements!" the rest chimed in.

"Okay folks," Mr. Dean said first. "I just want to congratulate you all on a job well done. I know your gonna give a great performance. Just keep the energy up, and don't fall into
the pit, Chris."

"One time!" Chris protested over the laughs. "It happened one time!"

"When was that?" Xander asked Steve Mossberg, who was standing next to him in the circle.

"His freshman year." Steve told him. "It was during Once Upon a Mattress."

Mickey had the next and last announcement. "Okay, cast, stay out of the crew's way during scene changes, we don't want a repeat of the unfortunate Wizard of Oz incident."

"Um," Buffy raised her hand, "How about a little exposition for us who just tuned in?"

"Oh," Mickey said, "We kind of, ran over Dorothy with the Wizard's throne, and the Wizard got kinda, pinned to the floor by a fly."


I don't know, Ben thought, I did crew that year. I thought it was kinda cool.

"And," Mickey went on, "We'd like to call everyone's attention to our newest crew members, Buffy Summers, and Cordelia Chase. Mostly to Cordelia. Cordy, you weathered the storm of the crew's revenge for many years of, well I won't rub it in. But I'm proud of you. The crew, who shall remain forever nameless since ours is a thankless job, would like to welcome both of you to the world of Tech. You don't get anything, but we welcome you anyway."

"Okay," Joe said, "Is that it for the announcements? Good. Because," he went into the middle of the circle holding a list above his head. "I hold in my hand, strait from the home
office in Sunnydale California, tonight's Top Ten List! I present, the Top Ten Alternate Titles for Little Shop of Horrors!"

"#10: Little Shop of Lawyers,
#9: Little Seymour and His Magic Plant
#8: How I Learned to Relax, and Love the Plant
#7: Got Blood?
#6: Fall of the House of Krelbourn
#5: Attack of the Vampire Vegetable
#4: Killer Tomatoes From Outer Space
#3: Ye Old Flower Shop
#2: Spatially Challenged Retail Establishment of Emotionally
Disturbing Events
And the #1 alternate title for Little Shop of Horrors…
The Scottish Jew"

The last produced much amusement. Though he did a New York Jew accent well, it was widely known that he was Scottish.

Joe then knelt, and bowed his head. The rest followed. Buffy and her friends, having been prepped for this did as well.

"We call to thee Zorath,
To once again give thanks for our
Speedy, Silent, Ninja Warriors,
a.k.a. The Crew,
For our focused, and exceptionally well hung,"
Oz chimed in with; "Band." While Joe said "Cast."

"And our fearless leader El Presidente Don Deaniteego Von
And Homer Simpson.

Then, rising to their feet, they began to chant. "Bricka bracka fire cracker, Sis boom bah! Fill in the blank, fill in the blank RA RA RA!"


Buffy'd practiced many times, and was sure she was ready. At first she'd pulled to hard, then not hard enough, but she'd finally gotten a feel for the tension and the weight.

Mickey slipped his headset on. "Rogue Five standing by." he said. "Sound you up?"

"Rogue Two standing by." Christi, the sound girl said.

"Light's, you ready?"

"Rogue Three standing by." Ziggy, sitting next to Christi, confirmed.


"Rogue Four and Rogue Six standing by." Matt confirmed for him and Armand.

"Okay folks we are at places. Rouge Leader, open up that house."

"Okay," Cordelia said. "How come you guys are all Rogue, and I'm Rouge?"

"We felt it was more appropriate." Mickey grinned. "You can change it if you like."

"No, I'll live." She opened the doors and people started filing in. She was also in charge of selling tickets, so she hurried back to the box, where a line had built up once again. She gave them programs with their tickets.

"I feel like one of the Spice Girls." she said, in reference to the headset.

"Wedge, Biggs, you there?"

"Me and Marty are here Mick." Izzy confirmed. "We're set on Stage Left."

After a few minutes, Mickey got confirmation from Cordelia that the house was closed.

"All right Cordy," Mickey said, "Come get in place for set changes. Ready in the pit?"

"Ready when you are." Mrs. Olney, the conductor said.

"Okay, Cue one, stand by. Mrs. Olney, rock out."

When the music started, Mickey nodded. "Cue one, go."

The lights went down.


"Oh my God," Willow thought. "This is really happening?" She felt Miriam's reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"You can do it." she said. "You're gonna rock."

Willow took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, I can do this."

The first act went without a hitch. Willow didn't miss a beat, the crew kicked ass, and the cast did as well. Finally it was time for intermission.

Fitz stood in front of the fan in the men's dressing room. "I am getting so trashed tonight." he grinned.

"Just don't be drunk tomorrow night during the performance." Joe admonished.

"Joe, I would never do that."

"Again." Ben smiled.

Andy walked up to the intercom and pushed the button. "So, you girls in the other room naked or what?"

After a moment's pause, Willow's voice came over the line. "Well wouldn't you like to know?"

Xander and the other's gaped. Eric pushed the comm button. "Willow are you possessed?"


Willow giggled uncontrollably. "I probably just gave Xander a heart attack." she said. "I can't believe I just did that!"


"So Ben," Dustin said, touching up his makeup. "What's going on between you and Nicole?"

"What?" Ben asked, barely restraining laughter.

"Yeah Ben," Fitz joined in, "I heard there was some Hanky Panky going on."

"You know," Eric said, "It doesn't matter what you say Ben, they're going to believe what they want to believe."

"Why answer at all then." That comment was greeted with many knowing and insinuating noises from the men.

"No seriously Ben," Talon asked, "Is anything going on?"

"No." Ben said. "We're just friends."

"Uh huh," Dan smiled, "He probably just couldn't get it up right Ben?"

"You know I have some Viagra if you need it." Andy offered, smiling.

"That doesn't surprise me in the least Andy." Ben retorted.

"Yeah well, you know what? You're a Poop Head!"

"Do you like scary movies?" a female voice came from the intercom.

"We're at places folks!" Mickey said from the self-same comm.


Joe backed into the door as Xander's voice taunted him from the speakers. "Shut up!" he shouted. "Shut-" Instead of opening as it should, the door, and it's frame fell away from him, crashing to the stage.

Andrea jumped back, shrieking as the set piece narrowly missed crushing her. Recovering quickly, she went on with the scene.

"Seymour!" she cried. "What's wrong?"

"That!" Joe said, pointing at the fallen door, struggling to keep the smile off his face. "And that!" he pointed to the plant.


Giles smiled. Good show. he thought. He wasn't sure he would have been able to cover that well. He'd ended up sitting next to Joyce Summers, and he could see that she was enjoying herself as well.

Xander had a nice voice, and from what Willow had told him, he thought that theater suited the boy. And Willow, he could barely believe that the girl on stage was the same hesitant, shy girl he knew.


Snyder grinned. He knew something would go wrong. He knew that Buffy Summers was on crew, now, how could he plant the blame for the falling door on her?


"Have you decided what to do for Crew Bow?" Buffy asked Cordelia.

"No." she answered. She still wasn't sure she wanted to be seen doing this.

"This is a joke right?" Xander said. Fortunately his mike was off. He was now wearing his bow shirt, a white T-Shirt with "Plant Voice" hastily scrawled on it in black permanent Marker.

Mickey just grinned. "You're cue's coming up."


"Watch yourself on your way home Andrea." Joe said. The cast party had ended hours earlier, and he, Andrea, Mickey and the other seniors had gathered at Denny's in celebration of the first performance of their final show at Sunnydale High.

"It's too bad we only get two nights this year." Mickey said at the table.

Ignoring the conversation behind him, Joe focused on Andrea. "We don't need to lose another like Theresa."

Andrea knew how Joe had felt about Theresa. In fact, pretty much the only person who hadn't known was Theresa herself.

"Don't worry Joe." she reassured him. "I've got my cross, squirt-gun filled with Holy Water, and a stake. I'm set. Besides, they can't get in my car unless I invite them."

Joe smiled. "All right, see you tomorrow."



The man seemed to come out of nowhere. Andrea hit the brakes and swerved, but still hit him. She stopped the car and tried not to panic. She grabbed her cross and stuffed her squirt-gun and stake into her pocket. Just in case.

"Are you okay?" she asked, getting out.

"Fine." Angelus grinned, rising quickly.

Andrea gasped. He was obviously a Vampire, for one thing, she'd seen the Vamps that had briefly "visited" the late night rehearsal a couple days earlier. She hastily held the cross before her, and dug into her pocket for the squirt gun. She was too slow.

Angel knocked the cross from her hand and grabbed her throat. "Isn't it tragic?" he smiled.

to be continued...

buffy, sunnydale drama

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