1. How did the Founding four meet and decide to build a school?NOTE: This fic is not exactly finished. It has an ending, but a makeshift one for now, just so I can meet the deadline of the genficathon. If you come back in a couple of days to read this fic, I will have fixed it to read much much better.. I had so many plans for it
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They're doing Christmas drabbles over at SQ. I fully intended to do just a drabble, but... well... the tale grew in the telling. :D It's more of a one-shot ficlet-ish thing now.
Not a bad start, I suppose. I'm getting back to this later in the day to hack at it some more. I don't hate it yet. Actually, I'm raring to go... raring to get started on the business of the real plot. I'm still on the prologue, also known as the Traumatic Event That Will Scar My Young Heroine For Life And Give My Hero A Seriously Messed-Up Head To
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So here goes, a fic idea that has been swirling in my head ever since the first time I read HBP. This will be a one-shot, and I just got a start at it today.
Now. Ron fans. Don't string me up and roast me over a pit on a slow flame for this, OK?
But I get the idea that JKR was... er... sort of Steve Kloves-ish in this book. Hang on. Hold on to your pitchforks for just one minute, and allow me to explain.