The Keiths - an OWBC: Chapter 4 (Spare Update)

May 31, 2009 00:29

Barely a day, and already a new chapter! This chapter is relatively short, and is focused solely on Ivy though.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. [=

This is Ivy's house. I don't ever motherlode my sims so she could barely afford anything to put inside of it, but it does give her enough room to have a family and maybe expand a bit.

The welcome wagon promptly arrived and at first nothing other than the nerdy neighbor with the glitching glasses seemed to really catch Ivy's attention.

Until she saw Lester Grant. They have three bolts!

All it took was a little talking and a bit of flirting and they quickly started crushing on each other.

Next came the (adorable) first kiss.

And then Lester moved in.

I wanted Ivy to have at least one PlantBaby, so this is her extremely attractive spawning face!

And possibly one of the most adorable toddlers that I have ever seen was born. I named her Tiger Lily keeping with the plant naming theme for PlantSims... just to be cliche.

When Lester moved in I discovered that he had a job in the Showbiz career. And look at the spiffy outfit that he gets to wear?
Because Lester is also a family sim he has the LTW of marrying off six children. Therefor, these two are now going to have six kids. Either way, that meant that Lester could keep his job... and his uniform. ;]

After work (and a change of outfit), Lester and Ivy fell in love.

Lester thought that the moment was right, so he asked Ivy to marry him. And she, of course, accepted.

And while Lester was taking care of some needs before they could start their wedding party, Ivy taught Tiger Lily the one skill that she could, and that was the nursery rhyme.

And of course, what is a wedding party if you don't smustle until late in the wee morning hours?

The answer to that question of course would be, it isn't one.

The wedding happened before Oliver threw my Beyond Cheesy points out the window, so Ivy obligingly made grilled cheese for the party since Greg, Bobby, Bernie, and Olivia all attended. However, looking back I see that Ivy is looking at me as if she knows it's all for nothing.
And poor Lark is getting a plate through the head.

Only four of the guests actually paid attention to the actual marriage, but Lester and Ivy didn't mind because they were so wrapped up in the moment.

They said their "I do"'s...

... and the bride was passionately kissed.
Then Ivy Keith officially became Ivy Grant.

"So now that we are married, how about we get started on those six kids?" *winkwink*


So of course the party was good. Especially because of Ivy's hot PJ's.

When the toilet looks like this...

... and you nearly puke on your father's wife. You know that you're pregnant.
"Sorry about that Mum."
"It's quite alright Dear. I've been there myself."

There really is no reason for this picture, it just makes me laugh.
"Ah, there's nothing like a long drive to feel the wind whipping through your fries."

Further proof that Ivy is pregnant: baby bump number one.

And now, the moment we have all been waiting for. (At least I've been waiting anyway.)
It's time for Tiger Lily to become an adult!

As far as I can tell, Tiger Lily is gorgeous. She rolled Romance, and because of this, I decided that being a PlantSim maybe wasn't for her.

So she called up the Garden Club, bought some Plantaphonic-C(?), and de-plantified.

And turned out to be just as pretty as I thought.

Especially with her makeover.
"Hey boys! Call me up anytime!" *winkwink*
(On a side note, I am thinking of doing a Bachelorette Challenge with Tiger Lily and calling it "Taming the Tiger Lily"... is that too lame? Haha.)

Tiger Lily them promptly moved out. Unlike her mother, she was going to be given a chance to start her life her own way right off the bat.

"Goodbye Dear! Good luck! Don't forget to call your dear old mother."
Isn't it weird how Ivy is only days older than her adult daughter?

Ivy's next bump came up that night.

And then approximately 24 sim hours later, she went into labor.
"OW! It was so much easier to spawn a child!"
Don't fret my dear, you only have five more to go!

Then this beautiful bouncing baby boy was born and I named him Cameron. He has his father's hair, skin, and eyes.

Then, of course, Ivy and Lester immediately got started on their next child. Hopefully they will have twins this time!

Anyway, that is all I have for you now. The next chapter will be Bobby and Bernard's freshmen year in college.
Until then!

sims 2, the keiths - an owbc

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