
Aug 13, 2012 05:25

Derek/Stiles; one-sided crush?, jealousy
He was not jealousy. When he saw Isaac wolfed out, Stiles was terrified of the werewolf and when Erica strutted through the school he wanted to know why she had never dressed like that before. He was not jealousy that Derek was biting teenagers he had never met before while avoiding Stiles like he was the plague.

After Scott picked him up at the mechanic’s shop and he found out that Boyd had joined their ranks. Stiles was not jealousy; he was disappointed. He wanted to know why them, why did Derek feel the need to go after them rather than others…like the hyperactive guy who already knew the risk.
Not that Stiles wanted to be bit, he was happy to be human just like he told Peter except in the early mornings when he was still awake because of the Adderall; Stiles would rub his wrist and wondered why he had not said yes. The question burned through his thoughts whenever he saw one of the werewolves. He never got an answer.

He did get his answer to why them through. When he was holding Derek above the water while the Kanima circled them; he asked him to trust Stiles, to trust the human who had been holding him up for two hours already.

“I don’t trust you…” Stiles’ heart broke and he had not been expecting it. Derek was giving his little speech about trust and Stiles could feel his heart crumbling into little pieces just like it had when Lydia went to look for Jackson. It figured he would not realize he had a crush on the werewolf until he was rejected by him. “…and that’s why you are not letting me go.”

Stiles knew what he had to do; he needed to break the cycle, to stop supporting someone who thought so little of him. Maybe he could not do it with Lydia, she was buried so deep into his heart now; however, he could break it with Derek. He let go and swam for the edge and Scott.

Of course, Scott hanging up on him ruined it, and he was forced to go to the bottom of the pool knowing that everything depended on Derek. He was stuck supporting someone who did not trust him again. Stiles helped keep alive a person who had killed his heart, but he could live with that.

Derek’s Side

After he bit Jackson, Derek dreamed of expanding his pack. He would convince Scott to join him and Lydia would follow Jackson into the pack. Those dreams were pleasant enough; he had a family again, people he could trust and rely on. Stiles was never in them.

Before the dreams started, Derek considered going to Stiles and biting him creating his second pack member. Like Jackson he had known about them and did not hate or fear them; he even helped Derek and Scott. The night he had decided to bite Stiles was the first time he dreamed of the pack. In the morning he never thought about biting Stiles again.

Part of him was not surprised when Jackson refused to be pack, then he found Isaac who did want to be a werewolf. Isaac was Jackson’s replacement. Isaac acted on the first moon, the way Derek had predicted Jackson would act and like Jackson he was easy to control. Derek was willing to ignore the spike of fear that ran through him when Stiles had been in danger, because Derek let him helped. That mistake was easy to fix, he avoided Stiles afterwards even leaving the teen behind to deal with his father.

He bit Erica to replace Lydia since the red-head would never join without Jackson. After the fight at the ring when he heard about Stiles getting hit by her; he realized she was not Lydia; she was Scott. Erica was barely in control, but still taking advantage of her new skills. He knew he needed a Lydia, someone to knock sense into the pack and keep them calm. When Isaac told him about Boyd, he was relieved.

He never looked for a Stiles but he always found Stiles. In the pool his life depended on him; however, Derek was not scared for himself. He was scared for Stiles who was in danger again, because Derek had ordered Erica to drag him into the pool room. He could hear his rapid heartbeat, and the strain of his lungs fighting the invading water. Derek could feel the fragility of the human holding him up. 
The only thing Derek could not do was smell him, the chlorine too strong so it was a surprise when his words had Stiles dropping him. Derek hoped Stiles got away.

Of course Stiles did not leave him. The teen came back and held him up, growing weaker and closer to death each minute. Derek had dreamed of Stiles’ death happening in a variety of ways, but never with Derek weighing him down like an anchor. Even when he was avoiding him, Derek could not protect him.

Next Part: Borrow
Teen Wolf is the property of Jeff Davis and MTV.

derek/stiles, teen wolf, fanfiction

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