
Aug 13, 2012 05:36

Continuation of Offer; Derek/Stiles

Derek managed to avoid Stiles for the next few weeks and Stiles stayed somewhat safe during those weeks.  Instead of them ending up together because of danger, Derek found himself checking on the teenager throughout the day when he was surrounded by hunters and werewolves.  Every time he saw or heard him pass a hunter in the hallway, Derek had to dig his claws into his thighs so he would not drag Stiles out of school and take him somewhere safer.

He hated that his world surrounded around this one defenseless person.  He hated his urges to protect him were stronger than protecting his pack.  Then he wanted to rip Stiles apart, to tear out his throat and split open his stomach to prove that this one kid was not the most important thing in the world.  He clung to those thoughts whenever Stiles put himself in a dangerous situation like when he came into a werewolf’s den smelling of the Kanima, or when he held onto Erica supporting her and Derek without thinking about it, like it was natural to help them.

He fully embraced those murderous urges when Scott had Stiles helped them at the rave.  Derek had not wanted him anywhere near these, but Deaton’s mountain ash needed a human, a strong of will type of human.  The plan was Stiles make the circle while Scott, Isaac, and Erica got Jackson; Boyd and Derek distract the hunters.  His plans never went the way he planned.  He came up to Stiles smelling like the pack and Jackson; then Scott howled needing to be saved officially ending the original plan.

So Derek should not have been surprised to being dragged by Jackson further into the station, or by the sight of Stiles being held at gunpoint.  He watched from the floor as the teen talked back to Matt; he felt his heart jump when Stiles twitched then start falling.  His muscles bunched up trying to reach for him wanting to push him behind Derek so he could be safe.

“Bitch” Stiles grunted right before he fell onto Derek, bumping the top his head against the werewolf’s jaw.  Derek felt the rage building in him as Matt started taunting him; and even the swell of pride from Stiles’ support could not discourage it.  He turned his head watching as Matt dragged Stiles to the side and stomped onto his chest.  His control vanished with his fangs cutting out of his gums, his face shifting, and his claws digging into his thighs; he could feel his body react to his instincts screaming to kill and protect.  They were angry with Scott for standing there, but they wanted Matt to suffer, to cut little slices of skin off, and to drag out his death for hurting Stiles.

None of them noticed him which revealed to him how defenseless and useless he was, right now.  If it was not for Scott’s agreement and Melissa’s arrival, Stiles would have died because Derek was always useless when Stiles was in danger.  He did not bring the danger to him; he failed to bring the protection.  It was not a better reality, knowing the person pressed against him was still in danger because of him, but it brought some comfort.  He did not have to push Stiles away now, so he focused on digging his nails deeper into his skin now.

Derek felt Stiles twitch, as much as they could while being paralyzed when a gunshot rang out.

“It was Scott.”

“What?”  Stiles whispered, at least he knew to keep his voice quiet.

“Scott got shoot.  He’ll be okay unless Matt has wolfsbane bullets.”

“He’s using the deputies’ gun.”

“Scott will be fine, then.”  Stiles hummed softly turning his head slightly.  He did not have much range of movement.

“Do you know what’s with Matt?”  Derek did not even consider keeping it a secret, not from Stiles.  He found himself talking about balance and rules; he did not have to backtrack and explain every little thing because Stiles understood it already.  It felt strange talking to someone else about this, to have someone else understand why the situation was becoming more dangerous.

“He broke the rules, he becomes the Kanima.”

“He’s going to kill all of us, isn’t he?”


“Do you have a plan?”  Derek was stunned by his question.  Stiles was counting on Derek to have a plan, to trust Derek to have a solution to get them out alive.

“Yeah, trigger the healing process.”  He ignored his declaration of gross, and focused of driving his claws deeper, speeding up the process.  He kept straining his muscles every few minutes to check his progress while tracking Matt and Scott through the building.  Right now, Matt was ranting about drowning and how Jackson was one of his furies.  Derek tensed when the shooting started.

Stiles’ heartbeat picked up just as the building went dark.

“What’s going on?”  He whispered into Derek’s ear making sure to keep quiet and not draw attention to them.


“Shit.”  Derek pulled his claws loose and ran the back of his hand against Stiles’ side.  “My dad’s in the prison cell, locked up.”  He wanted to hit him; Stiles was worrying about his father in the back of the building surrounded by bricks and metal for protection while he was in the room next to where the hunters were attacking.

“Your dad will be okay.”  He heard Scott running this way to help.  “I promise, just keep yourself safe Stiles.”  Derek was already pushing himself up when Scott scrambled next to his friend.

“Take him,” Derek snarled.  Scott hesitated for a moment hands resting on Stiles’ arm.  “Go.”  He watched as the two headed for the back and away from the invading hunters and hopefully the Kanima.  He shifted and headed for the cells.  He had promise that the sheriff would be okay, and he intended to keep that promise.

Teen Wolf is the Property of Jeff Davis and MTV.

derek/stiles, teen wolf, fanfiction

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