Lots of y'all know Velma, she's a fen, a Torquere Press proofreader, and my oldest friend - her apartment was broken into over the Thanksgiving Holiday and the jerks that broke in took, among a number of other things, lots of her DVDs. If you're looking to get her something/have a copy of one of these you don't want anymore, etc., it would mean the
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1. Pho. 2. Sunshine. 3. Quilting fabric. 4. Dance lessons. 5. Tim McGraw. 6. My little signs at work - my current favorite is "I refuse to star in your psychodrama. Next." 7. Velvet. 8. My car. Have I mentioned how much I love my car? 9. Diet coke with lime. 10. The new ringtone on my phone - "Brown Eyed Girl" love it.
I was having a crap morning. I was - I burned my toast, dropped my soda, spilled the dog food. Got into the car and turned it on and the Eyes of Texas was playing on the radio. *grins* Okay, all better
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You know... If I hear *one* more sportcaster give my 'horns *no* chance tomorrow, I'm going to get grumpy.
Bring home the championship, boys.
I have my shirt, hat, jacket ALLLLLLLL ready for tomorrow and am *dying* to get a pink Rose Bowl cap for my birthday (which my daddy has promised me to go with my pink PBR cap).