В 1890-х годах в южный Аккерман стали приезжать евреи из других местечек черты оседлости, чтобы попытать свое торговое еврейское счастье. И если на рубеже веков среди богатых купцов мы видим в основном армян, то к Первой мировой войне "первую скрипку" в торговле в Аккермане стали играть евреи.
Янкель Фарландский переехал с семьей в Аккерман из
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After the war the family moved to Chrnovtzy.
My grandfather died in about 1916, but my grandmother lived until 1973.
I often heard from my grandmother and mother the names Arbit and Zef. They mentioned these families as they fondly remembered Akkerman and their life in this town, people they knew and stores they were buying in.
As far as I know, my great-grandfather, Solomon Toporov, was a lawyer. My grandfather Aaron died pretty young, and I know almost nothing about him. But I know that he had a brother Yasha, who emigrated before or during revolution to Vienna and then to Paris, where he became a very famous movie producer Jack Roitfeld.
If you have any information about members of either family I would so greatly appreciate it. Anyone can reply in either English, or Russian. Thank you in advance. Genny Imas
Perminov Alexey
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