okroginator Dec 20, 2013 21:58
rp: kannagara, pokemon, naruto, rp: musebox, star driver: kagayaki no takuto, animorphs, rp: squarewarts, the world ends with you, rp, rp dorkage, code geass, yugioh gx, rp: counted_stars, rp: dollsyhouse, kingdom hearts, rp: luceti, rp: xi, star wars, bleach
okroginator Jan 08, 2011 22:48
whatevah, rp, rp dorkage, meme, muse box, rp: musebox
okroginator Oct 21, 2010 00:52
rp, rp: musebox
okroginator Mar 29, 2010 19:22
rp, rp: kannagara, code geass, rp dorkage, pokemon, naruto, rp: musebox, rp: xi, meme, rp: squarewarts
okroginator Feb 09, 2010 21:45
rp, rp: kannagara, rp: xi, meme, rp: squarewarts, rp: musebox, rp: dollsyhouse
okroginator Jan 13, 2010 17:21
a magical thing of hope and wonder, lol slash, crazy random has gone insane, i is r teh osm, naruto, oh my god this, rp: musebox, what is this madness, uchihas are awesome sexay mindscrew, crack, fandorking, look! a distraction!, monocle sharingaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, this post needs a lot of tags, what a swell guy, very awesome want moar, what is this i don't even, muse box, best. destiny. ever., the power of youth explode, ffffffffffffffffffffffff bahahaha, rp, derp derp derp, warning: brain-breakage, friendship and loyalty dattebayo!, dynamic entry, lol i can has villainy, procrastinating!, random, for no real reason, geekery, epic win, wonderful spam lovely spam, being productive, double hell raiser with cheese