I don't have the long breath to write an essay about this trip and my brave old PowerBook G4 also seems to look at me and say:
"Please, only some very short prose, no embedded photos, no videos, just a few short sentences will do. I'm tired, please do some housework instead! I can't keep up with your typing already, have some mercy!"
So let me begin from the end and try to keep it short:
Before I left Cracow on Monday I ate a kremówka and a pączek (as already illustrated on FB). Brilliant.
And before that at noon at the Kino Pod Baranami I watched the film TLEN (Oxygen/
Kislorod) by
Iwan Wyrypajew, which made an enormous impression on me.
It's like some variation on Kieślowski's
Short Film about Killing produced with the means and esthetics of MTV / CNN / Music DVDs.
Unfortunately there's not much on Wikipedia in English or German except about the director/author.
And my instant crush on the main actress,
Karolina Gruszka - unfortunately now that I know she's also the director's wife - has to be dealt with painkillers or anything that helps forget said kind of instant main actress crush. Oh well.
But besides that, and besides the fact that I would fire postproduction people who do white subtitles on bright backgrounds, because that's why I only managed to read half of the lyrics, thus understanding 1/3 of the film at best I'm very happy.
Now where can I get it on DVD?
What I have found in the meantime is interesting nonetheless, and that is a) the
whole script of OXYGEN/КИСЛОРОД on the authors website, in Russian.
And b) a
mentioning of Sauerstoff on the website of my beloved
Maxim Gorki Theater, where the spectacle was performed a few years ago. Unfortunately I haven't seen it then.
Next entry in line:
Heinrich von Kleist - Amfitrion, as directed by Wojciech Klemm at the Stary Teatr
and more cake tales from around Jagiellońska street and elsewhere.
PS: Did you spot the word "German Porno" in the
trailer? Good.