cute cute

Aug 07, 2008 13:53

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Comments 4

usually9_15 August 7 2008, 19:40:37 UTC
They do have an "Itteh bitteh kitteh committeh," right? Lol.


betweenthebliss December 17 2009, 13:53:38 UTC
it is iiiiiiiii, captain emilyyyyyyyy (i bet you know what tune that song is sung to, too...) so friend me back. XD


oimizza December 17 2009, 15:48:54 UTC
I was sooo confused by where you posted this...then I remembered how much of my stuff is friends locked. I is smrt.


betweenthebliss December 17 2009, 15:58:25 UTC
lmfao yeah and i knew some of it was flocked but i couldn't be arsed to logout and then log back in. XD <3333


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