Daisy Chains

Jul 08, 2012 19:00

A/N Just a very quick ficlet I wrote in a random spurt of inspiration out of nowhere. It's not my best and actually a little depressing (way to sell my story). But anyway, just thought I'd share.

Trigger warning for references to Alzheimer's disease

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pairing: yuri/tiffany, fandom: snsd

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Comments 7

eevanlvis July 8 2012, 14:31:30 UTC
your works are always amazing and have real life as basis. really nice piece, this is. and last line made me tear up. thank you.


ohsugarandsalt July 31 2012, 12:15:15 UTC
that's so kind of you as i think there's still alot of room for improvement in my writing. you keep writing too ;)!

thanks for reading!


that1thing July 8 2012, 21:33:37 UTC
I love this.


ohsugarandsalt July 31 2012, 12:15:31 UTC
thanks for reading!


barawara July 9 2012, 21:17:32 UTC
that was beautifully sad...


ohsugarandsalt July 31 2012, 12:15:58 UTC
sorry ;;. thanks for reading though!


(The comment has been removed)

ohsugarandsalt July 31 2012, 12:18:43 UTC
i did post it on soshipops :P! and no, thank you for being so kind to take the time to leave a comment, i really appreciate it!

also, keep writing ;)!


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