
Jul 17, 2011 18:06

Warning: Mentions of self-harm.

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yulsic, fanfic

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ohsugarandsalt July 21 2011, 12:14:15 UTC
Oh :(. I hope you've overcome your difficulties (which you sound like you have), but if you haven't I'm always here to talk, just give me a PM :).

Thank you for reading!


pigtopus July 23 2011, 11:39:59 UTC
Hahah The thing that makes their relationship breaks their relationship too~
There'll always be 2 sides to a thing eh?

I find it hard to believe that Yuri has low self-esteem. Hahaha, but this is a fic ;3
I just thought it's funny for someone to have low self-esteem to be good in bed.. idk why either. Thinking that being too self-conscious will make them awkward..


ohsugarandsalt July 23 2011, 12:54:46 UTC
Well I think, having low self esteem doesn't mean you're socially awkward. To me, it's more like not feeling very comfortable about being yourself or the way you look. I wouldn't go as far as to saying Yuri has low self esteem either, but from what I've seen she seems very conscious about what people think of her. But what I've observed doesn't necessarily mean it's true :3.

Anyway, thanks for reading!


pigtopus July 23 2011, 14:51:51 UTC
Hahaha That is true... But despite being self conscious, she still does things that spoils her image. LOLOL

Thanks for writing ;3


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