It's our 6-month anniversary!

Aug 22, 2010 07:01


Can you believe that it's been six months already? 282 members, 347 people watching! And it's all thanks to YOU! You fabulous people, you!

You know what that means, right?


Hurting Sam is a necessary part of celebrating our six-month anniversary. So have at it!


Ground Rules:

1. This is a Sam-focused hurt/comfort community, so Sam should be the one in the hurt/comforted role. Your prompts may involve sick!Sam, hurt!Sam, angsty!Sam, basically anything that results in Sam being on the receiving end of hurt/comfort. (No rules against whumping other characters as well, of course, but you have to whump Sam first. ;) )

2. Comment to this post with your desired characters or pairings, and a prompt. All genres/pairings are welcome, BUT no RPF/RPS, please. Please focus on the fictional characters only.

Example A: “Sam, Dean, gen, set in season 2. Sam has a vision and passes out. Cue caring!Dean and limp!Sam.”
Example B: “Sam/Dean, trauma. Sam is injured on a hunt, Dean freaks out when he thinks Sam might be dead.”

3. You can leave as many prompts as you like, but please write one prompt per comment. If you've got a few (and feel free to prompt at will!), comment with each separately. This is to keep the meme manageable.

4. Your prompts can be as short or as detailed as you’d like. i.e. "Sam, Dean. Fever." Or a three-paragraph epic with details. The more detailed your prompt, the less wriggle room you're giving the writer, though, so bear that in mind.

5. Scroll through the comments and when you find a prompt you like, write a fic in reply to the comment. There is no word count limit.

6. More than one comment-fic response to a prompt is totally acceptable, and in fact encouraged. The more fic, the better!

7. When replying to a prompt with your comment-fic, put ‘FILLED’ in your subject line and then anything else you want, ie: a title if you have one/part numbers. It’s not a big deal if you forget this step, but it will make it easier for people to find your fic, and for me when I’m compiling the master list.

8. Anonymous posting is enabled, but I haven't figured out whether I.P. logging is off because I suck at this sort of thing. If you're embarrassed by how schmoopy/angsty/gory your prompts are, don't worry, we won't tell on you. ;)

9. No spoilers for future episodes. NONE. We will send Missouri after you with a spoon.

10. Standard rules of politeness apply. Do NOT bash any characters. Do NOT say rude things to prompters and writers. In short, don't be a douchebag. The mods will ruthlessly delete any ridiculousness we see.

11. Questions about the meme? Comments? PM your mods! We will be happy to answer your queries.

12. Do feed your authors! They’re awesome. Feedback is THE BEST DRUG EVER.

13. If you want to advertise this, that’s fantastic! It would be really appreciated. Just copy and paste the code provided above into your journal.

In conclusion, have FUN!

Master List

wrath_n_raiths: They're in a mine somewhere and Sam's ahead and there's a cave-in. The caveo-in's between them, Sam's trapped and hurt, maybe concussed, and Dean's digging towards him as fast as he can, talking to him, trying to keep him conscious and alert till he can reach him.

faunaana: Sam, Dean. The brothers are on a hunt and stranded somewhere. Sam is seriously injured. They don't have their first aid supplies, because Sam lost his pack, and all Dean can do is sit with Sam, try to keep him warm and hydrated and watch his brother deteriorate.

winyumi: Sam's back from the cage. It's not like he's been tortured on a rack, not like Dean. But Lucifer has been in his head the whole time, appearing as John, and Jess, and Dean, and Sam's mirror image, telling him that he's worthless and a failure and a monster and he does nothing but destroy the people who love him. Dean can't figure out at first why Sam can no longer believe that Dean loves him or wants him. Dean rebuilds him.

faunaana: Dean's not there, Sam has a vision and (somehow) becomes too injured to move.

greeneyes_fan: Sam is a tall motherfucker, and you know what happens to super-tall motherfuckers? Their joints hurt a LOT. (I think. Right?) So as he gets "older" -- older being like, over 30 -- his knees start to give out, and he doesn't hobble, Dean, thank you, but he does have a bit of trouble getting going in the mornings. Elastic knee braces help some, but you know what helps even MORE?

ratherastory: We just got a request for burns. So let's have smoke-inhalation for this one instead. And maybe Sam was already a bit run down with a cough and his lungs weren't at their best for a dose of smoke. And wtf was he doing, anyway, running into a burning motel room when all they stood to lose was some dirty laundry? Does he pull a stunt like that and expect Dean not to chew him out? Dean figures some stuff out when he finds the amulet in Sam's rescued duffel.

wrath_n_raiths: As they're working a case, Dean takes another opportunity to mock Sam's manliness/sexuality, insinuating he's gay to some civilians, but it's the wrong place and crowd, and Sam gets attacked by homophobes; cue protective, guilty!Dean.

authoressnebula: Sam has a lot of dreams about falling into the pit with Lucifer.

lavinialavender: Jess finds out, the hard way, that Sam has a trick shoulder.

harrigan: Sam with a bad leg.

dontknowmyname: Sam is forced to wear a bomb jacket.

moviegeek03: Post 5x18. Sam's been running himself ragged taking care of everyone after the events of 'Dark Side of the Moon' and 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid'. After 'Point of No Return' Sam's exhausted and gets sick (what's wrong is up to you) and is cared for by Dean and Bobby.

Anonymous: Pre-series. Sam, John, (Dean). John's always had to raise his voice with Sam, but one day, beside himself with anger, he locks Sam in a closet.

27_jaredjensen: Sam has the cold from hell (literally) when he and Dean are reunited.

starbright73: Sam's always had OCD tendencies, but after having his body worn by Lucifer the tendencies flare into full blown OCD. They can't really get proper psychiatric help, too likely to get committed for all the wrong reasons, so they have to cope as best they can without.

dime_for_12: Sam used to like when Dean called him 'Bitch'. It was Dean's version of a term of endearment and made him feel loved. Post-cage, though, it's just not the same. Not after the torture he endured in hell, demons taunting him about being their bitch while they raped him. Dean doesn't notice at first how the formally-innocent nickname makes Sam flinch now, but soon catches on.

vail_kagami: 5.04 AU. Lucifer possesses Adam, leaving Sam to join Dean and Castiel. The only weapon they have against the widespread Croatoan virus is Sam's demon-killing abilities, and so Dean uses what he has at his disposal ruthlessly, in spite of the toll it takes.

sakura_no_mi: Sam's back is KILLING HIM on Valentine's Day. After failing to score at the bars, Dean stumbles home at three in the morning super super drunk. When he discovers that Sam's back is hurting, he tries with gusto to make Sam feel better. But he's just too drunk. Sam appreciates the gesture (the earnest affection and manhandling is adorably irritating) but jesus, Dean, go to bed!

de_nugis: Sam/Dean, Sam's having a rotten day (what goes on is up to you) and Dean can't think of anything to say to make him feel any better (maybe they had a fight and Dean said something he shouldn't have) and so cuddles him.

sastiel: After suffering a badly broken nose, Sam has to sleep breathing through his mouth. He's always been a snorer, but this time Dean notices that his breathing stops throughout the night and he gasps himself awake to breathe.

radiumgirl: Gen: Sam suffers from insomnia or insomnia with a slice of Very Bad Dreams of his time in the pit with Mike & Lucy. He can't sleep and nothing they try works. Dean's getting worked up/bitchy/worried as hell over it and Sam's starting to get a little loopy and depressed, can't focus, can't find his socks when they're right there on the bed with him. In the end, worried that Sam's going to suffer some damage, Dean beseeches Castiel to put him under for a while, Sam's dreams are too bad and he's too afraid of a sleep he can't wake from. Whether it's Dean's idea or something he chances upon himself, Castiel with his new mojo, gets it to rain and Sam relaxes, then gets heavy lidded, then protests like a sleepy kid that he's not going to bed, not ever, then slowly drops off into sleep that's maybe not perfectly peaceful, but a damn sight better than it has been. Bonus points for platonic bro cuddling, hair smoothing.

cordelia_gray: Sam stopped talking for a long long time.

rainylemons: Sam has some kind of injury and for some reason they can't get any pain pills until the following morning. At first Dean tries to be all cheerful about it, and Sam tries to keep in good spirits, too, but after a while the pain becomes too much and Sam gets all squirmy and quiet and miserable and Dean feels like a helpless failure. Bonus for platonic cuddling (or not-so-plantonic, whatever).

sakura_no_mi: Sam gets back from the pit and he and Dean are hunting together again. Dean notices that Sam has become just kind of unaware of his physical well-being. Like, he doesn't eat unless reminded and just keeps going researching and hunting until he is exhausted, rather than sleeping regular hours, he lets minor wounds get infected and literally doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain.

radiumgirl: Dean says Yes to Michael. Michael spends a while (months, maybe) hunting down Lucifer, who is increasingly desperate and going after Sam in dreams. But Michael kills him, still in his Nick vessel. Should be over, right? But no, Michael promised Dean he would not harm him and would eventually restore him to himself, but he didn't say when. He is busy cleansing the earth, ridding it of prisons, ghettos, and the less salutary (according to Michael) elements of society, building a brave new world. Sam and Cas are on the run from angels and hunters, trying to salvage stuff on the fringes. But it's a dangerous world outside the tidy, angel-approved bits: hunters, looters, cholera in the ragtag camps of refugees. Sam is hurt or sick. Cas takes care of him. And a sequel

rainylemons: Misplaced comment-fic: His Still-Beating Heart.

harrigan: Gen: Sam + leg brace + partial blindness in one eye + having to traverse difficult foresty, hilly, steep terrain to find Dean after he'd gone off on a hunt alone because he didn't want to put Sam in danger and wound up getting himself fairly whumped. Bonus points for Sam awkwardly and painfully as possible trying to find Dean and Dean remembering how awesome and determined his little brother is.

m14mouse: "Not a very smiley, guy, your brother." Dean's first instinct is to protest -- his set of mental snapshots of Sam feature a lot of big, lit up grins and some gleeful annoying smiles. But then he thinks about it. He hasn't really seen that grin since Sam got out of the pit. Or in the year they were fighting the apocalypse. Or in the year before that, with Ruby and the blood and all. Now you mention it, he misses the fuck out of that grin. Dean's a guy who can think strategically. And no one knows Sam like he does. Operation Get Sam to Smile Like He Means It is underway.

jennytork: So, end of season five gives us Sam standing there outside of Lisa's house and looking in, right? Well, as it happens, he's not looking in. More to the point, he's not looking anywhere because he got out of Lucifer's cage without his sight.

scullspeare: Gen: Sam + leg brace + partial blindness in one eye + having to traverse difficult foresty, hilly, steep terrain to find Dean after he'd gone off on a hunt alone because he didn't want to put Sam in danger and wound up getting himself fairly whumped. Bonus points for Sam awkwardly and painfully as possible trying to find Dean and Dean remembering how awesome and determined his little brother is.

The fight goes down like it was supposed to. Michael kills Lucifer. Somehow, Sam manages to cling onto a little bit of life. His wounds are fatal; Dean helps him let go.

dime_for_12: Gen - Sam comes back from the pit afraid of fire. Seriously, seriously afraid of fire. Like waking in the night screaming, flinching away from a candle or lit match, suffering panic attacks afraid of fire. Really shitty time for some hunters with a bad impression of Sam to take to wanting to burn him alive. If you can get some Dean all backlit by flames description, smoldering with rage, and trying to coax Sam out of a burning whatever for me, you get my eternal love.

minviendha: Jus In Bello AU. The demons never attack. Sam and Dean never escape. They are seperated and send to prison as planned and Dean dies there when his time runs out. Sam's not having such a great time himself; he gets ill, perhaps beaten up, and slowly loses his mind knowing his brother must be dead by now.
By the time Bobby gets him out (and takes care of him - or tries to, anyway) he's in a pretty bad shape and no longer cares what happens to him.

Ruby being involved somehow (in a not entirely negative way) would be awesome too, but is not required.

&comment-fic meme

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