comment fic meme!

Jan 01, 2012 18:31

Time for a new comment fic meme! Please read the rules as there have been some adjustments due to the recent comment page changes.

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→ Leave a comment here with your prompt. This is a Sam-focused hurt/comfort community, so Sam should be the one in the hurt/comforted role. Your prompts may involve sick!Sam, hurt!Sam, angsty!Sam, basically anything that results in Sam being on the receiving end of hurt/comfort. (No rules against whumping other characters as well, of course, but you have to whump Sam first. ;) )
→ In your prompt, please state your desired characters or pairings. All genres/pairings welcome, but no real-person (RPF) prompts.

Example A: “Sam, Dean, gen, set in season 2. Sam has a vision and passes out. Cue caring!Dean and limp!Sam.”
Example B: “Sam/Dean, trauma. Sam is injured on a hunt, Dean freaks out when he thinks Sam might be dead.”

→ Post as many prompts as you like - but one prompt per comment. If you've got a couple, comment with each separately.
→ Prompts can be as short or detailed as you like. Remember though - more detail means less wriggle room for the writer, which might lower the chances of someone picking up your prompt.
→ Go through the prompts! If you find one you like, write a fic for it. There's no limit to how many users can reply to a prompt, or how many prompts someone can write for.
→ When replying to a prompt with your comment-fic, put ‘filled’ in your subject line and then anything else you want, like a title if you have one/part numbers. It’s not a big deal if you forget this step, but it will make it easier for people to find your fic. As subject lines are no more, please begin your fills with the word FILLED and a TITLE in BOLD - the first box on this page shows you how to position the bold tag for proper results.
→ If you notice that your fic is not on the master list after a decent amount of time (say, two days), please poke me in a PM. I might have missed it.
→ Anon posting enabled.
→ Play nice - no flaming and no character bashing, period. Any comments that break this rule will be deleted without warning.
→ Feedback is catnip for writers. Leave some author-love!
→ No spam comments.
→ Contact one of the mods if you have a question.
→ Spread the Sam love - pimp this meme!
→ Have fun!

Gastroenteritis by saltfuture
Sam/Dean or gen, any season, Sam has stomach flu, all the nasty symptoms and Dean is just awesome.

Numb by farfadine
Sam/Dean or gen. A sort of mundane nervous breakdown. Sam has been in awesome!Sam coping mode and suddenly he's just . . . not. But it's not, like, waving a gun around psychotic break. I more have a vision of Sam off doing something ordinary, jogging, an errand, and he just stops. Sitting down on the curb or in the aisle at Walmart or something. And someone gets his phone and calls the first number and Dean has to come and get him.

Everything Flows, Nothing Remains by minviendha
S7: Dean's dead! Oh wait, no, sorry! It was all a terrible misunderstanding. Everything's fine, Sam. ...Sam?

Weaker by monicawoe
Season 5 AU. The continuous influx of demon blood into his system completely unlocks Sam's full psychic potential, and his powers basically explode - visions, telekinesis, Andy's mind-control thing, demon manipulation (controlling and destroying). Getting them under control is not fun, especially after he and Dean go their seperate ways.

There is No Spoon by monicawoe
Season 7, post The Mentalists. Um, what was up with Sam's bent spoon? No, really. Who did that? Subconscious telekinesis is all it takes to turn hallucination into reality.

Make Me Strong Like You by hillz-85
Sam is acting like everything is fine, that he’s not falling apart at the seams because he needs to look out for Dean who is also falling apart... Dean doesn’t notice how bad things have gotten for his brother and his new coping mechanisms until they are pointed out to him... [author's summary]

Bad Days by ladybastet92
Sam/Cas (set anytime where Cas is Cas) Sam is sick. Dean’s out doing important things, Cas shows up, Sam has to explain why he’s sleeping in the middle of the day. Cas decides he would like to take a nap as well. Sassy cuddles!

Miscalculation by si-star-x
Slash. Sam gets some nasty cuts on his face. Dean cleans them. Gentle kissing happens.

By Your Side by emmram
For some reason Sam get his psychic powers back...but rather than Sam controlling them, Lucifer seems to be able to.

Untitled by anonymous
Pre-series. Sam dealing with the aftermath of rape. Speak-esque, preferably with no graphic depiction of the act.

Out of Nothing at All by sakura-no-mi
Sam/Dean or gen. Season seven - There are some days Sam doesn't get out of bed at all. Dean's understanding.

If it Wasn't for Bad Luck by mamapranayama
Sam gets a minor injury- a book falls on his head or he breaks his pinky or something, lol. Dean fusses over him, and discovers Sam is running a fever.

Visit by saltfuture
Stanford era. Dean visits Sam and finds him sick in bed in his dorm room.

Sleepless by anonymous
Gen or slash, S1 or 2. Sam develops really bad insomnia. Really really realllllllly bad. The sleep deprivation is interfering with hunting and he's all cranky and life just generally sucks but he just can't sleep much. So Sam's exhausted beyond all belief, and Dean is so worried about him. He tries everything he can think of to help and none of it works. But eventually Dean stumbles upon one thing that's actually effective. Bonus points if it's something really small and schmoopy, like stroking Sam's hair while he's lying in bed.

Trust in Me and You'll Trust in Yourself by hillz-85
After Dean and Sam separate season 5, Sam stops talking. Even if he wants to, he has somehow lost the ability to talk [...] When Dean meets up with him again, he's of course shocked at this new development. Whether Sam starts talking again eventually is up to you, but I'd love to see Dean coax him out of his mental shell in little, big-brotherly ways.

Untitled by checkthemargins
Sam gets hit with a sleeping curse (it can last for however long you want). After awhile Dean starts waking him up to get him to eat and stuff. Sam is sleepy and adorable and maybe cranky some of the times he's woken up. [WIP]

Life Goes On by ravelqueen
A super wincesty one: Dean breaks off the sexual aspect of their relationship for a bunch of surely very good reasons, but Sam is pretty sure it's because he doesn't like the idea of Sam hallucinating while they're in bed. Or because Sam is all tainted with demon blood. Or because Sam isn't Lisa. Or because he just doesn't want him anymore. His train of thought doesn't go uphill from there. Big misunderstandings and relationship angst ahoy! My unrequited love kink rears its ugly head. [WIP]

It Happened Like This by monicawoe
Dean never went and got Sam from Stanford when John was missing. So when Jess died, Dean wasn't there, and Sam went totally John Winchester, left without a word to anyone, and would not rest until he took down Azazel [...] all I'm looking for is the last scene when Sam finally gets his revenge and maybe John and Dean are there and now that Sam's work his done he breaks into a billion pieces and there is withdrawal and severe psychic pains and screaming and Sam hating himself for what he's become but kind of unapologetic for killing the thing that killed his girl.

Falls the Shadow by inheritedjeans
Gen. Post AHBL part one and AU from there. Sam wakes up on that dirty mattress after Cold Oak with all of his memories of dying and going to heaven intact in his head (maybe he was reuinted with Jess or finally got to meet Mary and was just starting to enjoy having a mom) and he's resentful towards Dean for bringing him back to life and taking him from the peace he finally had and he's almost desperate to go back.

Singin' in the Rain by center-galaxy
Dean doesn't know what to do about the whole broken wall, psychotic break, hallucinating Lucifer thing. Then Sam gets caught in the rain and gets pneumonia. And Dean DOES know what to do about that. Not like he's glad that Sam's sick, but it's just a relief to have something wrong with Sam he can help with. And, since he's there at close quarters taking care of Sam, Sam has his opportunity, too: to broach the subject of Dean's drinking, to try to get him to talk about his despair and his downward spiral. Basically, the manageable hurt/comfort routine goes on while Sam and Dean are tentatively touching on the big, huge hurt-don't-know-how-to-comfort stuff.

Ticking Time Bomb by center-galaxy
Sam finds out he has an aneurysm in his brain. It could be life-threatening, but for the moment it is stable and the doctors schedule him for a surgery to repair it, but it is weeks away. Dean freaks out by overprotecting Sam and doing anything he can keep his brain from 'exploding' in the mean time. He practically drives Sam insane when he won't let him run, do any physical exercise, or even go to the bathroom with the door locked. Dean mother-hen's him to the point where he can't stand it anymore and Sam takes off for a walk ... of course, now that he is alone and separated from Dean, this is when his brain decides it's time to explode.

The Apple Falls from the Tree by center-galaxy
He's been in the business a long time and most of that time he knew John Winchester but never really got to know his kids before, so going on a hunt with them is interesting to say the least. Watching Dean and Sam, how in tandem they are, how much they're like John in different ways. One things for sure though, Dean sure can be one scary mother fucker when Sam is threatened.

Fighting Spirit by center-galaxy
Dean gets his shit together in the drinking department. It was hard HARD work (either on his own--maybe something really traumatic happened that compelled this new lust for a dry life--or via ye olde Twelve-Step program.) And sure, there are painful desires to backslide but dammit, he's got this. And he's had to do it alone because he can't use anything, anyone as a crutch or an excuse any longer. Upon returning to "life", he discovers Sam has drifted into his own addiction (due to the hallucinations or genetics or hey, it's Tuesday or...yeah. Author's choice!) Now Dean has to get through to Sam and save him from himself, without losing his own hard-won sobriety.

!mod post, &comment-fic meme

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