comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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FILLED: The Cancer Inside 1/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 09:58:32 UTC
So this prompt kind of ate my soul and it got really long, but I had a ton of fun with it (and writing angry!Dean). Hope you like ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 2/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:00:45 UTC
That had to have been Joey Marshall, third victim in a string of missing foster kids. He’d been missing two weeks when the Winchesters had rolled into town, though between the pallor of his skin and the grime he covered in, it was hard to tell for sure ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 3/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:06:27 UTC
Sam lay asleep on the far bed, on his side facing the door and curled in on himself. Sam only curled up like that when he was hurt or sick, and despite his earlier irritation, Dean was suddenly worried. Sam’s left wrist was handcuffed to the bed frame and Dean did his best not to flash back to the panic room. What the hell was going on ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 4/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:08:21 UTC
Then again, Sam tended to internalize everything. If he were afraid, he wouldn’t show it; he’d suck it up and keep it to himself rather than let it get in the way of a hunt. Dean suddenly felt like a total dick ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 5/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:10:00 UTC
This Sam had scars Dean had never seen and they looked more abusive than hunting-related, though there were a few of the latter as well. When Sam turned around to root through his bag for clothes, Dean’s eyes widened. This Sam didn’t have an ugly mass of scar tissue in the middle of his back ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 6/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:13:03 UTC
Dean crept up behind the djinn, his knife gripped firmly in hand. Sam moved in the shadows to cover him from the front, concealing himself behind a cluster of storage shelves. Dean was about fifteen feet from the djinn when it spoke without turning from the boy ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 7/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:15:11 UTC
He fishtailed into the Red Rock Motel parking lot, slamming to a halt in front of room 12. He grabbed the knife, gave it an extra dip in the lamb’s blood for good measure, and was kicking in the door before his brain had registered that he’d moved from the car. He froze in the doorway-again-when he saw the upturned furniture and exploded bedding. His heart leapt into his throat ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 8/? purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:17:20 UTC
Dean had gone off to hunt the damn thing on his own, saying in his note that he didn’t need backup on such an easy hunt; that translated to Dean saying he didn’t trust Sam as his backup and was going to deal with this on his own. He didn’t need a backstabbing addict looking out for him ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 purplehrdwonder August 11 2011, 10:18:22 UTC
“I can’t stand the thought of you being afraid of me,” he whispered. He looked at Sam, eyes wide, red-rimmed, and pleading. “I just can’t.”

“No, I get it. I deserve it.”

“No, you don’t,” Dean said. “You’re my little brother. You’re a pain in the ass, but you’re still mine.” He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes going far away. “I’ve been pissed, yeah.”

“Hurt,” Sam added for him when he seemed loath to continue. “Betrayed.”

“Yeah.” Dean shook himself and looked back to Sam. “But I would never hunt you, Sammy. Never.”

Sam’s mind went blank, like he’d overloaded on information.

“If I didn’t know you, I’d want to hunt you.”Sam didn’t know how to react to this. It just seemed too good to be true. Could Dean really mean it? Could he dare to hope that Dean really meant it? The last time something seemed right like this, he’d gotten addicted to demon blood and opened Lucifer’s cage. He didn’t deserve what Dean was offering ( ... )


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 authoressnebula August 12 2011, 13:07:21 UTC
I love you with the passion of a thousand Deans on a thousand magic fingers.


Thank you SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH for not only filling my prompt, but filling it with this AWESOMENESS. Oh my god I love it. Sam being afraid of Dean in both worlds, the serial killer awesomeness, Dean coming to a realization but it being so in character-

You rock my socks. \o/



Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 purplehrdwonder August 12 2011, 14:41:27 UTC
Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! =D


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 tahirire August 14 2011, 13:51:08 UTC
This is so heartbreaking! It really feels true in a lot of unfortunate ways. I'm glad Dean was able to see just how badly Sam was feeling.

*gives them snuggles*


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 purplehrdwonder August 15 2011, 21:56:58 UTC
Poor boys *hugs them as well*


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 jagfanlj August 18 2011, 06:24:51 UTC

You did a beautiful job with the prompt. The nightmare world was so vivid, and I wanted to wrap my arms around poor abused Sam. He was so utterly broken -- in both worlds.

Those two need to have needed a long heart-to-heart since Zachariah mangled their phone calls. Maybe they'll finally get around to it while Sam heals.


Re: FILLED: The Cancer Inside 9/9 purplehrdwonder August 18 2011, 20:51:32 UTC
Yay, so glad you liked! Thank you :) *hugs broken boys*


purplehrdwonder August 13 2013, 11:40:57 UTC
Fantastic fic! Really nice to see Dean's train of thought changing as the story progressed :)


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