comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 22:41:08 UTC
I have a ridiculous kink for smoking!Sam. I've never been able to come up with a decent story for it myself, but I'll start working on one :)


FILLED 1/2 verucasalt123 August 3 2011, 01:50:53 UTC
The habit hadn’t gotten really bad until after Sam left for college. No matter how often he was left alone as a teen (which was pretty damn often), he rarely indulged in smoking cigarettes because he was certain his father or brother would somehow find out and God knows what kind of hell his life would have been if that happened. After he left for Stanford, though, everything changed. He was fairly certain that the mood after his departure left little chance of a surprise visit from a family member, and even if it did, so what? They had no power over him now ( ... )


Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 3 2011, 01:54:07 UTC
“Got something to say, dude, just say it ( ... )


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Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 4 2011, 12:27:35 UTC
Yay! I'm really happy that you liked it.


Re: FILLED 2/2 embroiderama August 4 2011, 10:44:01 UTC
Oh wow! I've never read smoking!Sam before, but I can really believe it here.


Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 4 2011, 12:24:56 UTC
Thanks, glad you liked it.


Re: FILLED 2/2 roque_clasique August 4 2011, 18:06:47 UTC


Re: FILLED 2/2 mentholpixie August 5 2011, 06:30:43 UTC
"He was going to quit. Really, he was. Once Dean got better. A couple more days, maybe."
-Ha, this is what I say to myself when I think about quitting! Well, aside from the 'Once Dean got better bit', of course, 'cause that would be kind of strange. "Maybe I'll do it next month..." and it never happens. *sigh*

I have a huge smoking!Sam kink too, and there's really just not enough out there. So glad you wrote this!


roque_clasique August 4 2011, 18:07:13 UTC
I'm so glad you asked for this so I didn't have to *g*. I may have to fill this a second time.


FILLED: Where There's Smoke 1 roque_clasique August 5 2011, 19:41:51 UTC
Growing up, Sam had always figured that there was a cosmic deadline on certain things; if you didn’t do them by, say, age eighteen, you’d never do them at all. Having sex, for instance. Going to Disneyland. Getting kidnapped. Smoking.

In High School he’d sometimes sit outside at lunch and watch the smokers out of the corner of his eye, marveling at the stupidity of the act - it seemed like the most futile, dangerous thing to do to yourself, with no benefits that Sam could see besides looking cool. Which, okay, was a pretty big benefit in the world of adolescence, but in the grand scheme of things, cool wouldn’t do shit for you. It wouldn’t make you taller, it wouldn’t get you into college, it wouldn’t feed you, and it sure as hell wouldn’t save your ass from getting mauled by a charging werewolf. Cigarettes did nothing except make your teeth yellow and your lungs black; they didn’t even get you high, from what Sam could tell. Fucking ridiculous, he thought, and he always marveled at the people who would willingly put such ( ... )


FILLED: Where There's Smoke 2 roque_clasique August 5 2011, 19:42:31 UTC


Turns out, Sam was born to be a smoker. He just hadn’t realized it. He loved everything about it - the ritual of it, crinkling the cellophane, packing the box against his palm, sliding one out, fitting it between his lips, raising the lighter, and, god, that perfect moment when it first caught and the tobacco crackled and smoke poured down his throat like a caress, like everything was right with the world… That first drag was his favorite. No, the second one, relaxing into it - or maybe the last, especially when he didn’t have anywhere to go and he knew that last drag was just a prelude to another first on his next cigarette ( ... )


FILLED: Where There's Smoke 3 roque_clasique August 5 2011, 19:42:52 UTC


Sam tried something new that night after dinner. He put his silverware on his empty plate and slid his legs out of the diner booth.

“I’m, uh,” he said, trying to gather courage in the face of Dean’s sneer. “I’m gonna go have a smoke.”

“Fuck you.”

“Wow,” Sam said. “Okay, then.”

By the time he pushed through the diner’s double doors, he had a cigarette in his mouth and his lighter poised and ready. He lit up, slit his eyes against the smoke and eyed the row of windows that sat above a bed of mulch and dying petunias. Halfway down he could see the back of his brother’s head through the glare of the glass, and he went over, knocked on the window. Dean jolted, head darting around in a way that was almost comical, and his mouth dropped open a little bit when he saw Sam.

Sam settled the cigarette on his lower lip and gave Dean two thumbs up.

Dean gave him the finger.


“Dean,” Sam said, “please, I am begging you.”

“No fucking way.”

“My bladder is about to explode, dude, come on“You haven’t had anything to drink ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Where There's Smoke 3 mimblexwimble August 5 2011, 20:11:10 UTC
That last bit just - took this to another level. I love it. CAN I MARRY YOUR WRITING?


Re: FILLED: Where There's Smoke 3 roque_clasique August 7 2011, 20:27:58 UTC
Yes, it's been saving itself for you *g*


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