comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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FILLED 1/2 verucasalt123 August 3 2011, 01:50:53 UTC
The habit hadn’t gotten really bad until after Sam left for college. No matter how often he was left alone as a teen (which was pretty damn often), he rarely indulged in smoking cigarettes because he was certain his father or brother would somehow find out and God knows what kind of hell his life would have been if that happened. After he left for Stanford, though, everything changed. He was fairly certain that the mood after his departure left little chance of a surprise visit from a family member, and even if it did, so what? They had no power over him now.

In Palo Alto, Sam was a new man. No one there knew him, knew his family, knew anything about his life, and things were sure as hell going to stay that way. He bought a carton of Camels at the convenience store down the street from his dorm as soon as he had unpacked his very few pathetic belongings. Since he couldn’t smoke in his room, he spent his free time in the designated smoking areas and met a few people who also hung out in those places, making small talk, becoming acquaintances, never really getting to be friends, though. Meeting Jess put a dent his habit, even if it was limited. She thought it was gross, so he didn’t smoke while they were together, and did everything he could to get the smell off himself before they met for dinner or sex or whatever. Once they moved into the same apartment, he cut back even more, smoking only on the little patio and mostly just when she wasn’t there, making sure to brush his teeth vigorously afterward.

After it all came crashing down, it didn’t even occur to Sam that his nicotine habit would bother Dean. The first time he lit up in the passenger seat of the Impala, Dean was shockingly quiet for just a minute, then gruffly told him to “hang that thing out the window, jerk, don’t stink up my baby”.

The months went by and after a few smartassy and pointed comments from his brother, Sam finally decided it was time to discuss the issue (not that Sam thought it had to be an “issue”, why the fuck did it really matter?) one night when he was out in the motel parking lot for a smoke and Dean gave him this look that totally got under his skin.


Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 3 2011, 01:54:07 UTC

“Got something to say, dude, just say it.”

“It’s fucking nasty, Sam. You think I don’t know about you and your 14 year old sneaking around cigarette-thing, but I do. I thought it was just like everything else, you against the world, I’ll do what I want teenage rebellion phases. Clearly, I was mistaken.”

“Fuck, Dean, I don’t light up in our room, do I? I go outside, even if it’s fucking freezing and it’s my room too, I think I’m being more than respectful of your comfort, Mr. I Can Dig Up Graves And Behead Vampires But Don’t Subject Me To A Whiff Of A Cigarette”, Sam replied, righteously indignant, and, as usual, thinking only of his own discomfort.

“Whatever, Sam. Keep right on, you’re an adult, do what you want.”

And that was that.

Other than a couple of snide comments and rolled eyes, Dean kept his mouth shut for a good long time.

Until a hunt in Nebraska when it took too long for Sam to get to his brother, who was being knocked around by an angry spirit, because his lungs seized up after three minutes of top-speed running. He did get there in time to save his brother, but both of them knew why Sam wasn’t at his best as far as cardiovascular activity was concerned.

Sam did everything he could to help Dean recover from the broken ribs and the hard knock he’d taken to his head for the next couple of days. He insisted that motels wouldn’t cut it, and they needed to lay low at Bobby’s for just a little while, and he drove them there with Dean sprawled across the back seat of the car. He stayed next to his brother, patched him up, held an ice pack to the knot on his temple and brought him food, hovered, made sure Dean didn’t have any injury that was severe or permanent.

But even after they got to the safety of the salvage yard, once Dean had fallen asleep for the night, Sam slunk past Bobby’s nasty glare onto the front porch and lit up a Camel. He was going to quit. Really, he was. Once Dean got better. A couple more days, maybe.


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Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 4 2011, 12:27:35 UTC
Yay! I'm really happy that you liked it.


Re: FILLED 2/2 embroiderama August 4 2011, 10:44:01 UTC
Oh wow! I've never read smoking!Sam before, but I can really believe it here.


Re: FILLED 2/2 verucasalt123 August 4 2011, 12:24:56 UTC
Thanks, glad you liked it.


Re: FILLED 2/2 roque_clasique August 4 2011, 18:06:47 UTC


Re: FILLED 2/2 mentholpixie August 5 2011, 06:30:43 UTC
"He was going to quit. Really, he was. Once Dean got better. A couple more days, maybe."
-Ha, this is what I say to myself when I think about quitting! Well, aside from the 'Once Dean got better bit', of course, 'cause that would be kind of strange. "Maybe I'll do it next month..." and it never happens. *sigh*

I have a huge smoking!Sam kink too, and there's really just not enough out there. So glad you wrote this!


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