Clowns of Terror

Mar 02, 2011 23:09

Title: Clowns of Terror  
Author: cece_away 
Written for the Oh Sam hurt/comfort  fic challenge   from running_hot's promt: Sam and Dean, for some reason or another, are forced to encounter not just one but dozens of clowns. At first, Sam just freaks out a little and continues on. Eventually, though, he completely freaks out, full-blown screaming panicking fit. He doesn't recognize Dean at all, too busy flipping his shit to actually be aware of the outside world. Dean has to help get him out and calm him down.

Characters: Sam and Dean

Rating: PG

Word count:4500

Disclaimer: I don't own a thang

No spoilers to spoil/No warnings to warn about

Why did it have to be clowns?

&fic challenge, cuts/lacerations, » fic, .genre » gen

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