Each Our Own Devil

Jan 30, 2011 05:37

Title: Each Our Own Devil
Author: emmram
Words: ~ 13, 500 (in 3 parts; each successive part linked at the bottom of the previous)
Summary: In a bid to communicate with Lucifer, demons attack Sam and Dean and take one of Sam's eyes. Truths are revealed and the civil wars in Heaven and Hell come to a head as the brothers struggle to cope.

Warnings: SPOILERS upto and for 6.10: Caged Heat, AU after 6.09, swearing, aaaangst, lots of blood and gore, violence, disturbing imagery, metaphor-abuse, the sheer surreal-ness of writing from Robo!Sam's point-of-view. I also apologise in advance for all the factual/medical inaccuracies you may find in this story.

This is my third - and final - submission to the Sam-centric h/c challenge. It's finally over, after haunting my every waking moment for the past month or so. *collapses*

Written for rainylemons' crazy-awesome prompt: "Not all demons are so jazzed about Crowley being King of Hell and, so, they believe that if they could communicate with Lucifer (whom Crowley knows not to give a shit about demons) that they'd be doing things in a better fashion. To that end, one group of demons comes across an old bit of angelic/demon lore stating that communication with Lucifer in the cage is possible via parts of a host he's inhabited. Specifically Sam. Specifically Sam's eye. Said demons take one of Sam's eyes with a melon baller and off they go to get their orders. Ew.

Soulless Sam is in pain, but he can't feel anything about it emotionally. Pain hurts, sure as hell it does, but our emotional reaction to pain is what makes it so damned bad. He reasons that if there's a war in Heaven and now a civil war about to start up in Hell as well, that they'll need to be on the inside track. He wants to use the same bit of lore, pluck out his other eye, and keep them all informed about what the Devil is ordering this anti-Crowley faction to do.

He doesn't feel, he doesn't need comfort (wait for it!) and Dean's understandably freaked out, tries to tie him down, hold him down, keep him sedated, knocked out, whatever because he knows when Sammy's Sammy again, when he's got his soul, that he isn't going to want to be blind. Figures he's given enough of himself to the Devil.

Dean goes to Crowley, tells him he's about to go to war, tells him that the demons are plotting against him, but tries not to mention "hey they're talking to Lucifer with Sam's eye" in case Crowley thinks it's a nifty idea and decides to go for the other. He gets Sam's soul back, deals, steals, you name it.

And Sam, feeling, terrified, been suffering Sam is slammed back into his body now with one eye. Thing is? Sam's been through so much, that he's not thinking straight. This isn't soulless Sam dispassionately saying "hey, it'd give us an advantage", this is shell shocked, post-traumatic Sam, half-blind, in pain, and not knowing what is the right thing to do. Can Dean talk him down? Can he help him adjust? Can he convince him that he'd still see the Devil and Michael in his dreams, even if he did try to gouge out his remaining eye and, so, he shouldn't do himself any more harm?"

As the story progresses, you will see I haven't followed the prompt to the letter, but the essentials remain. I would love feedback on this, because I've really laboured over this thing, and I'm always looking to improve my writing.

Also, this is specially dedicated to ratherastory, who asked a one-eyed Sam for her birthday. :) Hope you like, dear!

Also, also: I just realised I've written more than 22,000 words for this fic challenge in the last two months, which, no mean feat, given how lazy I am. Do I get a cookie?

( Turns out there's no arguing instinct with a man who doesn't have any. )

&fic challenge, hallucinations, torture, unconsciousness, injury, psychological trauma, vessel

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