
Aug 28, 2028 06:42

Hey, hey, hey, welcome to my journal, Micchi desu. An Indonesian who's full time job is fangirling and currently struggle to finish my thesis, which btw has been postponed for quite sometime now, T_T. And my biggest enemy is myself ( Read more... )


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Comments 185

vickienash June 12 2009, 02:51:42 UTC
Do you have a link where I can have that picture of Uchi?
Sorry for asking but wow!


ohryouchipi June 12 2009, 03:08:23 UTC
i dont have the specific link, but if i'm not wrong i got it at baidu.
i can upload it 4 u(all of the boys pic) if u can wait 5-6 hour later coz now i have class.
but that wallies i made myself.


ohryouchipi June 12 2009, 03:14:50 UTC
But, uchi's pic that i have is not in hq and not too big.
and he's meccha kawaii there, love it!
look very girly.


vickienash June 12 2009, 03:19:47 UTC
Thank you sooo much.


hibinoasami October 2 2009, 16:01:56 UTC
after i saw my FS... ini micchan-nee yg di FS yah ????
inget aku ngga ? hibinoasami yg di FS ?
aku uda lama ga buka fs, trus ngeliat profile micchan-nee.. ehh pas liat ada LJ ryouchipi aku kaget....


ohryouchipi October 2 2009, 16:43:10 UTC
sama aku juga jarang buka FS sekarang,
kayaknya sih iya, sorry rada lupa2 inget, hehehe...
udh lama banget soalnya kagak buka FS, bagaimana kalo kita mulai pertemanan lagi di LJ, hehehe...
FS malah nggak kesentuh akhir2 ini, hehehe
aku buka LJ terus sih, ma kadang2 kalo mood buka FB, tapi FS udah jarang, soalnya temen2 juga udah pada jarang FS-an, hehehe....


hibinoasami October 2 2009, 17:07:15 UTC
hahhaha samaaa.. soalnya fs uda bayak alay nyaa..
kalo aku bukanya yutup, fb sama LJ.. kalo LJ itu wajib buat baca ff & aku juga bikin ff ^.^

yaudah kalo gitu kita mulai kenalan lagi yaah..
aku dinda, 18 th. suka smua JE boys ga milah-milih XD
aku inget chat sm micchan-nee ttg dvd konser kat-tun di fs XD hahahha


ohryouchipi October 2 2009, 17:40:57 UTC
apa iya, duch aku lupa, tapi aku inget punya teman namanya hibinoasami, kamu nggak suka pi juga????
sama, aku juga buat ff, hehehe...
tapi ryouchi ma akame pairingnya, hehehe...
aku juga make LJ buat baca fic, ma dl2 dorama ato VTR gitu, hehehe....

oh ya, salam kenal micchi 21 tahun, hehehe...
kalo idola hehe ryouchi, akame and yamapi, grup kanjani8, news, kattun, hehehe...
tapi denger grup JE yg lain juga


♥welcome♥ agustin1982 November 19 2009, 18:27:34 UTC
Hi...u like ryo and uchi, oh i dont know about uchi? but ryo, i know him, maybe i am new about je boys. But i like akame very much.


Re: ♥welcome♥ ohryouchipi November 20 2009, 03:27:58 UTC
yeah, i like ryouchi and akame too, hehehe...
but i guess i more into ryouchi, hehe....
me too, i kinda new in this JE fandom it almost a year now, hehe...
we should talk more bout akame then, hehe...
thay are so mysterious ne?


♥welcome♥ agustin1982 November 30 2009, 11:47:44 UTC
Sorry sorry T_T gak sengaja ke delete, maaf ! *cry* i add u again, and fast. Are u from indonesian like me, or? Gomen, i make mistake when i removed someone in friend list, my hand shake and aargh, its my fault, i am sorry. I dont meant to delete, please dont mad to me ToT i add u so fast when i make mistake. Once again, sorry :'(


Re: ♥welcome♥ ohryouchipi November 30 2009, 11:51:29 UTC
nyantai aja lagi, it's okey, iya aku dari indonesia, tepatnya anak lombok tapi tinggal di semarang. btw, meski manggila kamu apa?? kalo kamu tinggal dimana??


kazukiayuuma November 27 2009, 13:02:06 UTC
micchi :D
ini kazu dr forum SO.. di add yaa~
yoroshiku :3


ohryouchipi November 27 2009, 13:13:12 UTC
oke, langsung di add balik.

Yoroshiku ne,


happypurinsu January 21 2010, 11:19:00 UTC
Hi there, and welcome to BLUSH♥BOYS [Ikemen no Sekimen]!
Just wanted to greet you~ ^.^

Look around, and post comments & BL-stuff~ and if you have any questions, feel free to ask ~.^

Please read and post a comment here:
If you don't, you'll get deleted... sorry, it's a check-thing ^.^'

~ Sincerely, Chrisa [HappyPurinsu] - founder of BxB [InS]

*Sorry about writing it here - but because of all the members joining lately, I have reached my limits about sending messages ^.^'


ohryouchipi January 22 2010, 10:46:30 UTC
it's OK & thanx 4 let me join
but can i ask you favor?
i try 2 post comment on members introcdution post but since i post it through mobile phone so i alwasy failed & i cant acces inet from pc 4 like 1 month onwards, so if u dont mind can i just answer D'question here & U help me 2 post it there?
my answer
name:micchi, age:21,location:indonesia,ym:m1e_n1ez@yahoo.co.id
q1:i love BL just recently,
q2:i know BXB from my friend.
Sorry, I OL from hp.


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