
Aug 28, 2028 06:42

Hey, hey, hey, welcome to my journal, Micchi desu. An Indonesian who's full time job is fangirling and currently struggle to finish my thesis, which btw has been postponed for quite sometime now, T_T. And my biggest enemy is myself.
This journal is where i am flailing about so many stuffs, from Jpop, Jdorama, boybands, Movie, TV show, Book and anything that related to entertainment world, to rant about my personal life. This Jurnal is unlocked but please if you want to add me, at least introduce yourself so i know who you are.

And here some list of my favourite groups that i often talk about in this journal :

well lately i am not really update about them, but i cant seem to leave them behind, they are my home. They are the perfect idol for me, they are my ideal idols. ♥_♥ *if you know what i mean ~_^v*


Pink prince(ss)!! for me he is forever the youngest member of kanjani8. He is not in the group anymore, i know it. But for me, he still the youngest brother of kanjani8. Kanjani8 is family and whatever happen family is family.


For me they are a group, the perfect team. Even though they are not official group, and johnny-san had already seperate them, but i still believe in them. And i wish someday they will be official group and debut. #prayinghard

(♥) GENERATIONS from Exile tribe

Whoa... well i havent talk much about them, but i think from now on if i can update this LJ, i'll talk about them. *_* They are cool!! i usually like group that all members can sing, but for this one, i really enjoy the performers, the vocals are good too!! >_<

(♥) J&A
Well, i often rant about J&A groups and talents. actually, Jpop is equal to J&A for me, hahaha... I've been in this fandom for a while now, so i know lots of it's talent, and often flailing about them.

(♥) Exile Tribe
I've got into this fandom just recently, so far i only follow generations and egirls. but actually their senpais are pretty good too.

Well, that's it for my introduction, actually i dont know what to wrote anymore. So i wish you all enjoy my journal as much as i wrote it.

Micchi deshita~~


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