SDCC 09: Tennant on Leaving Doctor Who

Jul 27, 2009 07:44

IGN: You have your Star Wars shirt on, so you fit right in.Tennant: I do. I thought I should wear something relevant and appropriate, so I've got my Millennium Falcon on today.
IGN: David, have you processed that you're not going to go back and get in the suit again ever, or at least for a long while?Tennant: I don't really know. It's funny, when we finished there was a chance that I was, wasn't there? We were going to go a little extra thing which has unfortunately fallen through. So I always had that. And now that's not happening. But I don't know. Not necessarily an articulate answer, is it?
Gardner: Where is the suit?Tennant: Well, a version of the suit is hanging up in my wardrobe at home. ... I got sent it. I don't know if I'm even allowed to admit that. That probably breeches some sort of BBC policy guideline. I'll probably have to be hauled across some bureaucratic coal for that. ... I did get a sonic screwdriver. I have my own sonic screwdriver, which was presented to me at the wrap party, which I'm very, very proud of. They built this beautiful box for it, so I keep it on a shelf. Near to where the suit is hanging up. Sounds like I've got a room dedicated to it.
IGN: So you have it there just in case?Tennant: Just in case the call comes! In 10 years time, called back to service. ... Well, the opportunity's there, isn't it? Yeah. I know that Peter Davidson (sic), who came back and did a little bit with us a couple years ago, he had to provide his own coat. ... He's got two. So he was able to provide that. So I'm ready. I'm ready to be called back into action at the appropriate moment.
IGN: Will you be jealous if the episodes are really great? ...Tennant: Yes, I'm sure. But also thrilled, I think. Generally excited to tune in and watch it and not know what's going to happen.
IGN: I think Russell has said that he's a bit jealous that Steven will get to work with Matt.Tennant: Thanks Russell. [Laughs] Well, I'm jealous that Matt gets to work with Steven.
Gardner: Touché.
IGN: Is it a coincidence of timing that you all are leaving at the same time? Or was it always the plan?Tennant: I suppose it's a coincidence, and I suppose it was an inevitability, maybe, as well. I mean, it certainly wasn't a done deal that we would all leave at the same time. But it felt right. And it became a kind of obvious stepping-off point.
Gardner: ... How many goodbyes did you have? I mean, every day there was another goodbye. And the final day of the shoot, which was so, so hilarious. The schedule had changed and your last moment wasn't the last scene of the day. And so David was sent back to his trailer where everyone gathered. And there was that ridiculous pretext to get you back. Do you remember? We had to bring him back to set.
Lyn: We lied. We said there was one more shot
Tennant: ... I wasn't giggling. The truth is, I was in my trailer thinking, "I can't go back. It's too much. I can't go back."
Gardner: Did you not want to come out?Tennant: No. Because I'd been holding it all together and I suddenly thought, if I have to go back and look at everyone I'm just going to... And of course, I did. There was crying. But I suppose it would have been wrong if one had been able to just walk away.


euros lynn!, peter davison, doctor who, interview, conventions!, julie gardner!, dave!

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