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Comments 169

choukoumei January 15 2016, 09:35:49 UTC
I just got finished rewatching Galaxy Quest, I want to do a Rickman marathon but I'm kind of sticking to his lighter roles for the moment because anything else will make me sad.

He seriously had the best deadpan delivery. RIP.


goddessdream January 15 2016, 16:17:39 UTC
Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies of all time. And his character is the best! (Also, Sam Rockwell)


dumpweeds January 15 2016, 09:38:23 UTC
by grabthar's hammer... he shall be sorely missed :(


snortingcoke January 15 2016, 09:40:12 UTC
i have never heard a bad thing about alan rickman and i hope i never do.


eveofrevolution January 15 2016, 13:46:05 UTC

Kinda OT xmignonnex January 15 2016, 09:47:35 UTC
I follow Tom Felton on IG and people have been HARASSING him. He hasn't released a statement yet and people are just commenting "draco snape has died!!!1" "he is gone forever this time" and stuff like that under his latest picture. Some of them are saying how disappointed they are by him that he hasn't commented on Alan's dead yet. I honestly hate the younger HP fans so much sometimes.


Re: Kinda OT witchyspice January 15 2016, 09:51:22 UTC
that is so gross wtf - people can be SO entitled sometimes when it comes to celebrities, and I hate that not speaking about it automatically means he doesn't care or isn't bothered, people really need to stop.


Re: Kinda OT dumpweeds January 15 2016, 09:52:33 UTC
ugh people are the worst. he's probably devastated and can't even form the words. he doesn't post much on social media either.


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sayswhite January 15 2016, 09:48:45 UTC
oh man :'( I just read emma thompson's statement too. one of my first thoughts when I saw he died was of her and hoping someone was there to give her a hug.

it's crazy how many other people also died yesterday. my great-grandma included. :/ she was 100yo and her death came very gradually, so I'm sad but tranquil about it and glad she was able to rest. but it's just so crazy how people simply disappear. I kept thinking about 10 years ago how she'd come over to visit and sleep in my room and I'd ask her to tell me stories all night long (she had a very creative mind and told me many fun stories about her young days and the werewolf in her town and going partying). but in the past 3 years she could barely recognize who I was.


witchyspice January 15 2016, 09:54:05 UTC
lots of hugs and well wishes to you, bb! <3


sayswhite January 16 2016, 00:46:28 UTC
thank you so much!


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