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Kinda OT xmignonnex January 15 2016, 09:47:35 UTC
I follow Tom Felton on IG and people have been HARASSING him. He hasn't released a statement yet and people are just commenting "draco snape has died!!!1" "he is gone forever this time" and stuff like that under his latest picture. Some of them are saying how disappointed they are by him that he hasn't commented on Alan's dead yet. I honestly hate the younger HP fans so much sometimes.


Re: Kinda OT witchyspice January 15 2016, 09:51:22 UTC
that is so gross wtf - people can be SO entitled sometimes when it comes to celebrities, and I hate that not speaking about it automatically means he doesn't care or isn't bothered, people really need to stop.


Re: Kinda OT dumpweeds January 15 2016, 09:52:33 UTC
ugh people are the worst. he's probably devastated and can't even form the words. he doesn't post much on social media either.


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Re: Kinda OT xmignonnex January 15 2016, 10:06:36 UTC
Ugh :(


Re: Kinda OT nekcimenij January 15 2016, 18:12:10 UTC
Gross and OTT


Re: Kinda OT buries January 15 2016, 10:04:36 UTC
this is why i really, really hate how fans are these days. they cross so many lines and give fans who are respectful enough to acknowledge these people are people such a bad name. it's beyond disgusting to hear that they're harassing him over a colleague and someone who may have been a dear friend to him. leave people alone? tom doesn't need to release a statement.


Re: Kinda OT xmignonnex January 15 2016, 10:08:23 UTC
I blame social media tbh. people think that if you don't react to something on social media it must be because you're indifferent.


Re: Kinda OT buries January 15 2016, 10:10:09 UTC
seriously. i love following some celebrities on instagram and twitter because of the things they share and tweet about (following matt mcgorry made me appreciate him so much as a person since i hated his character on oitnb), but i hate how they tweet them back or leave gross messages in their ig posts saying LOOK AT ME, i'll kill myself if you don't retweet me! like ... they are people, too? you're not entitled to them replying back to you?



Re: Kinda OT xmignonnex January 15 2016, 10:27:42 UTC
It always reminds me of a zoo. People desperately trying to get a reaction and then get upset when the animal/famous person doesn't react


Re: Kinda OT godramaclub January 15 2016, 13:49:21 UTC
Right? Giving me Dudley banging on the glass vibes.


Re: Kinda OT screamingintune January 15 2016, 10:27:36 UTC
honestly most of the HP fandom has creeped me forever, but that happens any time a fandom gets ridiculously large


Re: Kinda OT steph313 January 15 2016, 22:07:28 UTC
I can't with the HP fandom anymore--and I used to be hugely involved. Just this morning, someone posted a screen shot from the movie of young LIly and Snape. The caption was something like, "Finally back with Lily..." and the comments were so OTT. People rightfully pointed out A) Rickman is real, Lily is not--shit doesn't make sense--to which people dogpiled about how he meant so much to them as Snape and "JUST LET US THINk IT'S REAL!" Others pointed out that Snape the character has been dead for years--and thus him being back with LiLy is old news. But again, people just kept whining about "Let us mourn! You don't understand our love for him..."

it was so damn bizarre.


Re: Kinda OT 29feb January 17 2016, 18:01:04 UTC
Yeaaa I was gonna say this is nothing new for HP fandom. I think for the Internet age they were def the first megagroup of crazies.


Re: Kinda OT lipsticktraces January 15 2016, 10:31:37 UTC
seeing as to how there are people who write 5000 pages of theories based on who followed who on twitter etc. it doesn't surprise me. makes me hate how entitled most fans feel though, they need to back the fuck off


Re: Kinda OT crucified January 15 2016, 10:50:07 UTC
Damn, that's just fucked up. Poor guy's probably devestated. But honestly...he doesn't owe anyone a statement. If he wants to keep his grief private, fucking let him.


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