Christian Bale breaks ground on foster homes he’s fought for 16 years to see built

Feb 08, 2024 20:23

Christian Bale breaks ground on foster homes he's fought for 16 years to see built
- The Associated Press (@AP) February 8, 2024

  • On Wednesday, Christian Bale broke ground on a project he’s been pursuing for 16 years: the construction of 12 homes and a community centre intended to keep siblings in foster care together in Los ( Read more... )

charity, christian bale

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Comments 57

sandstorm February 8 2024, 21:04:38 UTC

The location is described as "decidedly non-Hollywood."

as someone who used to live sure is

Good for them for benefiting from his charity.


jensonanckles February 8 2024, 21:06:04 UTC
That's lovely of him. Most people would have dropped it after so long and I wouldn't even blame them!


primimproper February 8 2024, 21:06:31 UTC

Red tape is no joke. You wouldn’t believe how far permitting and building/safety people will kick the can down the road in LA. People screech it’s “democrat policy” but I’m telling you it’s not even close to the problem… it’s just because those departments are top heavy with OLD MEN in management. And a lot of those fucks are hardcore GOP.

The problem is almost always middle management males creating paralyzing issues to milk overtime.


squirrels_oh_no February 8 2024, 21:08:45 UTC

Why does it always seem to be middle aged men with the overtime abuse? I remember they found these few NJ Transit maintenance men IDK but they colluded to hide in a shack next to the tracks and watch TV together and claim OT for years.


primimproper February 8 2024, 21:44:40 UTC

I don’t think women in general have the luxury to be as sloppy and corrupt.

The LAFD fire inspector… who put me through an 18 month unresolvable pause on the final building permit for a $55 million project I co-lead… when I looked him up on…

He had made $1 million in OT alone in the last five years. On top of his $200k+ bloated salary.

He would just reschedule reschedule reschedule until his appearances would be OT for him (like 4am) AND for our construction team. He would argue stupidity like… to sign off on an assembly space that can hold 90 people max… he calculated there had to be emergency egress for 1,800 people.

1,800 couldn’t fit in the entire building unless people were stacked like a slave ship.

Those are the kinds of things these men do. And they all double down for each other, so trying to go above them goes nowhere.


primimproper February 8 2024, 21:13:54 UTC

Hmm I worry I come off misandrist since women in government are also capable of The Dumb… it’s just that anything involving building permits or construction planning is absolutely 99.99% male, and they still continue to freeze out women from management like it’s 1960. It’s so bad that it makes fire and police departments look progressive.


notoriousreign February 8 2024, 21:07:08 UTC
Well that's really nice!


anterrabre February 8 2024, 21:11:07 UTC
This is lovely and will help siblings in this area who are in foster care but don't want to be separated. Good on him for this, because almost no one gives a damn about foster kids. :(


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