The Guardian analyses celebrity private plane usage

Nov 22, 2023 10:36

The jet set: 200 celebrities’ aircraft have flown for combined total of 11 years since 2022
- Guardian news (@guardiannews) November 21, 2023

- Private jets belonging to 200 celebrities, CEOs, oligarchs and billionaires have spent a combined total of 11 years in the air since the start of 2022.
- This is 44,000k+ journeys, ( Read more... )

european celebrities, jesus take the wheel, billionaires bothering us, flop, news / news anchors, australian celebrities, eat the rich, music / musician (rock), don't come to brazil, music / musician, taylor swift, white nonsense

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Comments 118

fernandocolunga November 22 2023, 11:26:47 UTC
Fuck off with your green washing Taylor carbon offsets don’t work

I think they should make PJs illegal unless it’s like for idk emergency medial or security reasons

I’m just thinking how the last F1 race is in Abu Dhabi and how many PJs with drivers will be flying there from Vegas like wtf F1 net zero by 2030 my ass you can’t even schedule races properly and only do Abu Dhabi and Bahrain last and first for reasons not related to sustainability


trowa November 22 2023, 11:47:04 UTC
>Fuck off with your green washing Taylor carbon offsets don’t work

yes it does! It's like how I eat a piece of fruit to offset the bacon double cheeseburger with fries and milkshake I had for lunch. the apple totally negates everything else


thereinventions November 22 2023, 12:34:36 UTC
Drag me. This is me after doing 7,000 steps and telling myself, "I can do a burger and fries now."


spacemonkey_699 November 22 2023, 13:06:37 UTC
I had a banana for dessert, after downing three coffees, a giant burger, a scone, a kit kat, and a big ass bowl of yoghurt for breakfast. I am so proud of my banana offset today


totteringg November 22 2023, 11:27:29 UTC
“She has seemingly reduced her usage of her jet.”

I’m almost a hundred percent certain that this is not true. For the US part of her tour didn’t she literally fly back to one of her houses almost every night even when she had multiple dates in the same city instead of staying in a hotel? Maybe they’re talking about her second plane or something.


anachan87 November 22 2023, 11:33:40 UTC
maybe by reduced they mean she flies less to the UK since she broke up with her british boyfriends.


erasethisworld November 22 2023, 11:59:28 UTC
Climate kween Taylor will ONLY date American boys from now on #doyourpart


fernandocolunga November 22 2023, 13:51:30 UTC


trekkiepetrelli November 22 2023, 11:36:37 UTC


qaladriel November 22 2023, 11:37:27 UTC



momsapplelie November 22 2023, 17:05:52 UTC


angebleu November 22 2023, 17:29:44 UTC
Gulfstream is quaking 😆


hiimtish November 22 2023, 11:47:31 UTC
This and yachts (also huge polluters) need to be called out exactly like this from now on. Shame them!!!


oneeyedjuliet November 22 2023, 11:51:36 UTC
I think we're past the "shame them" stage. We're at "bring back the guillotine" stage, tbh.


hiimtish November 22 2023, 11:54:05 UTC
Oh for sure, I’ve been here for a while lol. I should have been more specific that I mean the media.

I’ve got my pitchforks ready to go!


josiefier November 22 2023, 12:42:50 UTC

I literally just made a comment about bringing back guillotines. I can't wait to see who thinks I was joking


niyarav November 22 2023, 11:54:56 UTC
Taylor Swift traveled 19 times a month on average on her plane

I don't even use my car 19 times a month. Us poors still get a guilt trip about doing our part while corporations and rich arseholes have a comparatively massive impact on destroying the planet and continue to do whatever they want.

The Murdochs are true evil and I wish they'd suffer but there can't be a hell deep enough for what they deserve


dollyfarton November 22 2023, 15:18:31 UTC
That’s true. I was supposed to go to Greece in August but I was so anxious about taking the plane, my carbon footprint… I decided not to go. The idea of me taking the plane while people in another countries were facing floods, heatwaves gave me panics attacks.
I change my habits to be as eco friendly as I can be.
Meanwhile The Rich™️ keep on killing the planet…


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