Ultimate thieves suffer theft - British Museum artefacts sold on eBay

Aug 23, 2023 11:06

- Random man (generalisation) noticed a Roman onyx jewel listed on eBay that he knew was on catalogue at the British Museum ( Read more... )

feminism / social issues, fail, apology / damage control

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Comments 91

evillemmons August 23 2023, 01:39:23 UTC

screamingintune August 23 2023, 01:42:28 UTC
on EBAY? jesus christ, we're not even talking about some dark web underground site here lol


burntbussy August 23 2023, 09:07:02 UTC

jennabee123 August 23 2023, 01:47:26 UTC
I have such conflicted feelings about museums, I fully support and agree that all stolen artifacts and works of art such be return if requested by people and country of origin. They also had that whole Chinese translation fuckery so fuck that, there is so much much corruption and it just fuels the worst aspects of academia and privilege, like all these institutions.

But I also am passionate about the importance of preservation and archival work for research done by museums.


sandstorm August 23 2023, 01:57:05 UTC
If the countries that own the artifacts displayed and researched them, that would be better (although I'm sure governments would paint things in a flattering light to them, but having The British loot countries isn't better)


ferelden August 23 2023, 02:11:17 UTC
This is why I recommend everyone see The Temple of Dendur at the Met. While I’m sure there are LOADS of stolen artifacts there, the temple is one we can say was not stolen!


jennabee123 August 23 2023, 02:25:37 UTC
I fully agree! Though i'm thinking of all the things that aren't on display and are kept in the basements and storage, from painting to documents that aren't digitized. For the larger institutions such as The British Museum, only a small fraction less than 1%, of their permanent collection is on display for public viewing. If I remember correctly the Tate has around 20% out for display, with is considered high when you compare it to the Louvre or MOMA.


soyunatetera August 23 2023, 01:53:10 UTC

Ladrón le roba a ladrón, meanwhile the countries of origin of this historical pieces have to keep hearing the english saying they're not capable of taking care of them


nudrive August 23 2023, 09:50:45 UTC
also like if the thieves 'care' sfm why don't they just give them money (reparations lbr) to allow them to take care of the items themselves.

they don't get to just keep the shit they stole and then spout some white colonialistic bullshit.


genbu_no_miko24 August 23 2023, 01:55:43 UTC

... )


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