TMZ possibly tampered with Britney Spears restaurant video audio

Jan 18, 2023 18:59

BREAKING: A video of Britney Spears that went viral over the weekend was EDITED by TMZ. When played in reverse, you can hear someone say “That’s Britney Spears” and she says “I’m trying to get away.”
- Britney Stan ✨ (@BritneyTheStan) January 17, 2023
The issue has been reported to the FCC. Andy Signore is also giving the ( Read more... )

you in danger, fandom / stan culture, #justiceforbritney, family drama, feminism / social issues, britney spears, tabloid cover wednesday, bark bark bark, mental health

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Comments 94

imightbewrong4 January 19 2023, 07:45:13 UTC
I refused to watch that clip.

Leave this woman alone, all of you.


carnwe January 19 2023, 07:54:09 UTC
Not surprised scummy tmz will stoop as low as this. This should prove they are not credible of any information they post.


richyrich909 January 19 2023, 07:57:33 UTC
None of this made any sense to me from jump. You think in a busy restaurant that Britney would be having a manic episode, Sam storms off and the only video would be from tmz?! They’re horrible.


insomniachobs January 19 2023, 18:56:37 UTC
Yeah, the whole "storming off" framing with Sam, like... dude can't have just gone to get the car? He's not going to leave his world famous wife hanging outside on the street for him.


genbu_no_miko24 January 19 2023, 08:07:40 UTC
Poor Britney. A lot of people would like to see her crash and burn all over. I remember when biopics rumors were floating around she said something like "I'm still alive!! but I guess you'd prefer me dead" or something like that. Stuff like this def wants to create a certain vile narrative.

Nothing about this would surprise me. Don't forget that it came out that Kanye had said antisemitic comments all the way back in 2018 when he was also saying "slavery was a choice" but TMZ conveniently edited that out.

So I wouldn't be surprised about this and in general who knows how many things have edited or spiced up to get more views.


juanitatequila January 19 2023, 08:20:45 UTC
side eyeing some of you that were so quick to jump on her for this...smh


bittermunchkin January 19 2023, 13:37:56 UTC
Some here just love to take the bait.


__onthebound January 19 2023, 15:37:36 UTC
I refused to watch the clip. If I was in a restaurant and every person started filming me I would be angry and uncomfortable?? Like how does this reaction equal mental breakdown? I hate tmz


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