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Comments 67

loveumbrella December 28 2022, 14:45:52 UTC
I saw this on my Netflix front page but didn't know there were already two season, I thought it was completely new!

I should start it, I need something to binge ✨


jirppah December 28 2022, 15:05:36 UTC
One thing I wish is that they showed more of the other games. I know they cant fit all of them and there is a story to be told but I was bummed out when they speedrunned trough some of them in a montage.

Also the (assumed) wig on chishiya was distracting and took me out of his scenes. Also I find his archtype so boring


green_monsterx December 28 2022, 15:06:08 UTC
I finished it this weekend. I really enjoyed it


jirppah December 28 2022, 15:06:13 UTC
I agree with op that the female cast was stellar in the series


barbychanftw December 28 2022, 15:08:35 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]Niragi should have died.


asnindie December 28 2022, 15:17:59 UTC
That roach. I hated him so much.


war_machine_rox December 28 2022, 15:20:35 UTC

[Spoilers]every time he showed up i wanted to throw something at my screen


fauxkaren December 28 2022, 15:31:49 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I'm mostly just curious why he chose to leave instead of become a citizen. You'd think he'd want to stay in a lawless land where he can continue to be awful with no consequences.


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