Despite large Modern Family paychecks, Julie Bowen states that she remains frugal with her money

Oct 01, 2022 18:49

#ModernFamily star Julie Bowen is opening up about her financial situation and why she's "frugal" with money
- (@JustJared) October 1, 2022
Julie Bowen was allegedly making $500,000 an episode (before taxes, managment fees, etc) towards the end of the long running sitcom, Modern Family, but she claims to still ( Read more... )

modern family (abc), actor / actress

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Comments 180

syphilisdiller October 2 2022, 05:15:50 UTC
That's my mentality,and it's how I was able to to get a good amount saved up over the years, despite not making a lot. (not having kids helped a lot too)


devoida_taste October 2 2022, 14:42:22 UTC
I've got a nice savings too. I never overspend. A new nine year old car for me was the nicest I ever owned, there was no need to buy something fancier. 👍 🤷 I'd love designer duds, but have you ever found the perfect $10 item at TJ Maxx??!! That's a high I can ride for months. 😂

No kids too. 😜


doriiansz October 2 2022, 05:19:14 UTC
In 2023 I'd love to have some financial stability ffs. Life is so expensive rn and it doesn't seem like the inflation is going to stop any time soon. It's ridiculous how the money I earn doesn't match how much I have to spend for basic needs like food and housing. Can a sister friend catch a break and finally be able to enjoy the little that I have. Cause it's always just


tucker October 2 2022, 05:31:48 UTC
I always forget late summer/early fall hits me hard because I get hit with my every six months car insurance bill, my annual car registration/tabs fee, and my every two month electricity bill in the same week. Oof it hurts


dadeepish October 2 2022, 15:17:35 UTC
Not that it would reduce costs exactly but could you switch car insurance to monthly to leased the *thud* of that bill?


lone_concertina October 2 2022, 18:40:23 UTC
A lot of insurance companies offer significant discounts by paying in bulk once or twice a year.


erin805 October 2 2022, 05:20:41 UTC
This makes me laugh since I have a friend (unfortunately sans bicycle) who helped her at Sephora and said she was highly strung an frugal while shopping


tucker October 2 2022, 05:27:39 UTC
well glad she walks the talk!

I read a mini interview from a Chanel makeup counter girl who said you could never know what to expect from people, someone might gasp in shock at a $30 lipstick and basically run away while another would casually drop $1,000+ on a full set of makeup + brushes +skincare etc


devoida_taste October 2 2022, 14:49:09 UTC
I'm a country bumpkin who never gets to splurge on city shopping. I found myself in Minneapolis for a Rammstein concert, and gave myself permission to buy Baccarat Rouge perfume for $800. 😂😂😂 I'm sure some gothy sweatpant wearing 42 year old in that store raised a few eyebrows, but I knew exactly what I wanted. 😂


mangosmuggler October 2 2022, 15:01:15 UTC
I’m such a peasant that I didn’t even know such expensive and fancy perfume existed!!!! 😝

Awwwww since you usually never, heck yeah, treat yourself bb!!!!! ❤️


waffletaco October 2 2022, 05:24:39 UTC
Getting a good paying, steady gig like a long running show is so random, it's like striking gold if it happens to an actor. Good on her for being conservative with her money.

Who the hell would have thought one of the highest paid TV stars would end up being Darlenes boyfriend David from Roseanne??


tucker October 2 2022, 05:26:18 UTC
I know, out of all the pilots to be fail each year, it's crazy to land one that will basically set you up financially for life

she should be making millions over the years just from reruns


genbu_no_miko24 October 2 2022, 05:52:23 UTC
The Big Bang cast is thing of legends. I think the Friends cast did a similar thing!


xdecadentx October 2 2022, 12:18:35 UTC
I loved David when I was young and I absolutely only started watching TBBT because it was him. I thought it was too niche, but I guess the rise of the Marvel cinematic universe made it easy for them to transition from 'nerds' to 'geeks'.


sheisagentleman October 2 2022, 05:25:57 UTC
i wish i was smart w my money!
i finally ‘splurged’ on a good eye doctor (i just went in for a prescription) and turns out there’s something wrong with my eye nerves or something so i have to get an mri and visit a neurologist 😭 sir, i have no money 😭


aliceofclubs October 3 2022, 07:42:11 UTC
move to Canada?

it sounds like a joke, I know, but really

I know an american woman who was diagnosed w breast cancer, and she/ her family immigrated to Canada just so they could afford treatment. decided to stay.


sheisagentleman October 3 2022, 14:49:08 UTC
i’m not american!
tmi but my biological mom told me not to worry and that she’d pay for it + i have a good health insurance (i think that’s what it’s called) so things might be ok <3
thank you for replying though :’)


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