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Comments 65

derevko September 8 2022, 14:08:59 UTC
oh god I read as "Jew-gate" and was nope-ing already


ride_the_jitney September 8 2022, 14:13:34 UTC
OHH! I read "Jew" every time and came into the comments for help. I read the post. I even went to the original post. I couldn't figure it out lmao ty


genbu_no_miko24 September 8 2022, 14:21:35 UTC
Lol same!! Which is funny cause he is Jewish!


azaelers September 8 2022, 14:45:17 UTC
Wow TIL!


madhler September 8 2022, 14:13:10 UTC
I swear he had freak (and not at all suspicious) accident at home involving his jaw few years ago.


mayjailer September 8 2022, 14:18:53 UTC
you're right, he broke his jaw in 2013 after slipping and hitting it on a fountain in his home. so i guess he's been doing physical therapy since then, and stopping during the pandemic affected him? this new article didn't specify how long ago the accident happened. iirc, there was speculation at the time that he was injured in a physical altercation trying to score drugs?


madhler September 8 2022, 14:58:12 UTC
Yeah, he said he’d slipped on a puddle. But maybe you are right and this is the same incident. I had to Google but the “drug” altercation was actually a separate incident. He and his bodyguard were hanging out on Skid Row and he ended up getting punched in the face.


mayjailer September 8 2022, 14:59:41 UTC
ah, looking back at the ontd post about the fall, it seems like everyone assumed he was high. that's probably why i mixed it up.


sandstorm September 8 2022, 14:17:15 UTC
Damn, poor him. I wonder how long he was down.


genbu_no_miko24 September 8 2022, 14:22:13 UTC
What a horrid injury 😖!


new_peteland September 8 2022, 14:22:39 UTC
One time I pinched a nerve in my neck and the doctor gave me strong painkillers. I have never had an issue with strong painkillers, but the pain was that nauseating pain that fully envelops you. I got up to go to bed, and as I was heading to the bedroom I had a moment and went down like a sack of potatoes. I spilled my drink down my shirt and was definitely out for a minute or two or longer. I lived alone at the time as well, so if I'd smacked my head, I'd have been done for.

Anyway, the human body is stupid and fucking fragile.


ahkna September 8 2022, 15:35:40 UTC
Way back in the day my mom used to work health insurance, and she was in dental claims. She told me once that the majority of the claims came from people falling on stairs and injuring their faces and teeth.

I have held tightly onto railings ever since.


mayjailer September 8 2022, 15:37:47 UTC
same here. my biggest fear is falling down the stairs, particularly to the subway. i know the railings are probably disgusting but i can't go down without holding one.


neev September 8 2022, 16:30:29 UTC
I split the difference and hover my hand right above the railing lol. There's a chance I'll miss it if I fall but at least there's a bigger chance of grabbing it.

Hate to touch literally anything on the subway. The one good thing about winter is wearing gloves all the time. A glorious freedom


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