Zac Efron addresses 'Jaw-gate' in new Men's Health interview

Sep 08, 2022 09:16

Zac Efron covers the October 2022 issue of Men's Health, with whom he discussed his career, health and upcoming film, The Greatest Beer Run Ever, in select theaters and on Apple TV+ on September 30.

He also addressed that April 2021 appearance in Earth Day! The Musical, which quickly went viral and led to speculation about botched plastic surgery.

Efron, 34, told the magazine that after a fall in his home, he "[smacked] his chin on the granite corner of a fountain," losing consciousness and awaking to his chin bone hanging off his face."

He went on to explain that, as a result of his injury, the muscles on the inside of his face and jaw have to compensate for his masseters muscles, which are used for chewing.

"He does physical therapy to mediate this, he says, but in Australia [during quarantine] he took some time off. 'The masseters just grew,' he says, shrugging. 'They just got really, really big.'"

He's been a child star, a fitness pinup, an onscreen himbo, and an environmental activist. But @ZacEfron hasn’t always been healthy. Now he’s reinventing himself again, and he wants to do it right.

Read our October cover story here:
- Men's Health Mag (@MensHealthMag) September 7, 2022


ETA: In November 2013, it was reported that Efron broke his jaw in an accident similar to the one described above.

rumors / gossip, magazine covers and articles, accidents, interview, zac efron
