Alicia Vikander shares how she wasn't "protected" while filming intimate scenes

Apr 06, 2022 04:54

#AliciaVikander shares how she wasn't "protected" while filming intimate scenes, "I should have been looked after"
- ET Canada (@ETCanada) April 5, 2022
Alicia Vikander is opening up about being uncomfortable on set ( Read more... )

alicia vikander, behind the scenes

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Comments 55

v_is_for_violet April 6 2022, 04:00:24 UTC
The fact that she had to disclaim that she is comfortable with her body makes me upset. I hate that (mostly male let’s be real)producers and directors have twisted a woman not being comfortable being completely naked and stimulating sex in front of strangers for hours to be filmed for public consumption into oh you must be a prude and ashamed of your body and sexuality! It’s so insidious. I don’t even get any enjoyment out of sex scenes anymore, knowing how much awfulness like this goes into filming them. It’s just so seedy and unnecessary


meranii_raushu April 6 2022, 04:15:13 UTC
and if she had yelled for a robe and complained that they're careless I bet she'd be labeled "difficult to work with".

it makes me sad how she has to preface what she's saying with the "I'm comfortable with my body" bit, because we all know she'd be met with arguments like "well don't become an actress/don't take the role if you're not ~confident~ enough to show your body" etc.


juliette666 April 6 2022, 06:04:57 UTC
I'm an actor (not a famous one, obviously) and when I was much younger I was on set with an older actress (one of those women who you might not know by name but you definitely know her face, she still works a lot). She told me that when she was called upon to do any nudity, she would use a Sharpie to write on the bodyparts that she did NOT agree to show, as a way of protecting herself. Sadly this technique would probably not work anymore, with the advent of CGI.


slaughtermatic April 6 2022, 13:08:52 UTC
What a clever idea tho! Im just gonna ask you cause you're in the business, feel free to ignore, but is it possible to have your own assistant type on set to take care of you? When I read something like Alicia's story and many other experiences in hwood I'm like ok, this is so gross and shouldn't be happening, the one thing I can do for subsequent shoots would maybe be get my own robe person, or someone to make sure I'm as okay I can be from my own side while not interfering with the shoot. Obviously this should be provided but when it's not, do you just have to accept it? It's hard to figure out how shoots work in real life.


juliette666 April 6 2022, 18:41:46 UTC
A lot depends on the budget. There are high-budget shoots (think major studios) with hundreds of people on set between the crew and cast/extras, and indies with skeleton crews. If there is an intimacy coordinator (which is becoming more common, thankfully) they would definitely make sure that the talent has a robe or cover-up if the person wants one. Otherwise, it would probably be a wardrobe person or PA (production assistant). Also, a lot of big stars use body doubles for nude scenes, so there are cases where the principal actor isn't actually the one doing the nudity (Eddie Murphy in Dolemite, for example).


fyuf April 6 2022, 07:05:25 UTC
There weren’t any sex scenes per se but she was definitely fully nude at the end of Ex Machina (as were all the actresses who portrayed AI). The only thing that makes me think that’s not the film she’s talking about is that every interview I saw/read about filming says they were on a tight shooting schedule with minimal takes so she (probably) wouldn’t have been sitting around for hours, naked or not.


somewhere87 April 6 2022, 08:30:49 UTC
It's still wild to me to see Alicia being so big internationally.

I remember her (I guess) first role, it was in a short lived swedish soap series. Her storyline was so fcked up. She played an underaged girl who was filmed when she was passed out and naked.
The film was uploaded on some porn site and her dad ended up seeing it when he was there browsing. Alicia must have been like 18 och 19 years old back then.


wintourseason April 6 2022, 12:10:08 UTC
it is really wild esp considering she has no charisma on screen. she’s an exceptionally boring actress to watch imo.


blazingeternity April 6 2022, 12:15:03 UTC
I'm also surprised, because most people I know find her indistinguishable and her acting very stiff and unbelievable.
However, that's an outrageous and horrifying story! wtf!!


streethalo April 6 2022, 18:40:50 UTC

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