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Comments 27

xpirate_queenx February 10 2022, 20:42:48 UTC
idk if this one has ever showed up in these posts, but I watched and reviewed it for the site I contribute to the other day and it was...pretty ok? Definitely not for everyone, but an interesting watch all the same.


scriptedending February 10 2022, 20:52:55 UTC
I was gonna say I don't remember seeing this, but the release date is next week! So it'll be in that post. Looks like a good high watch, lol.


naveedchick February 10 2022, 21:53:47 UTC
Did you also crave fried chicken afterward?


xpirate_queenx February 10 2022, 22:28:59 UTC
I don't think I'll ever want a shake of any kind ever again lol


scriptedending February 10 2022, 20:48:42 UTC
I'll probably watch Kimi sometime this weekend.

Still haven't seen The Worst Person in the World... at first it was scheduling, then it was that all the evening showtimes were packed, now it's back to scheduling. But I reserved good seats for Valentine's Day, so I hope that ends up working out. The AMC it's at near me only has it on one small screen for some reason when it's been close to selling out multiple nights in a row.

Recent watches for me:

Flee, which was good and well made.

Pleasure, which was... a lot. I watched it for Independent Spirit Awards voting, but I kind of wish I hadn't. TW: SA, porn

[Spoiler (click to open)]All I knew about the film going in was that it was about a woman who was trying to be a porn star, and that was the general gist - a 19 year-old Swedish woman comes to LA to shoot porn. The film looks good and is competently made, with a cast composed of lots of people who are involved in the industry. The lead is beautiful, and while she's a little wooden at times, she has good screen presence... )


little_giant February 10 2022, 20:56:18 UTC
I'm looking forward to your opinion on "The Worst Person..." I saw it around a month ago and really enjoyed it.


mayjailer February 10 2022, 20:48:50 UTC
scott eastwood was on hoda and jenna this am to talk about that movie, and he might be the most uncharismatic person i've ever seen interviewed. they were fighting tooth and nail to get anything out of him lol.


toddies February 11 2022, 00:13:31 UTC
i saw him on a morning show years ago and he seemed stumped by every single question. basic ass morning show questions, "what's next for you?" "what was your childhood like" etc inspired 10 seconds of silence. it was like they pulled him in off the street, lmao.


justice4harambe February 10 2022, 20:50:09 UTC
i saw The Tragedy of Macbeth this week and i loved it. sooooo beautiful. Denzel, Frances, and KATHRYN were all amazing.


justice4harambe February 10 2022, 20:52:09 UTC
Next on my watchlist are Flee, Pig, Minari, and 20th Century Women!


scriptedending February 10 2022, 20:54:49 UTC
All great choices, but my god do I love 20th Century Women!!!


justice4harambe February 10 2022, 21:04:16 UTC
that's the one i am most excited for!

I have the fortune of liking film but not watching nearly enough, and having friends that watch much more than me and have similar taste so they can recommend stuff they know i'll like!

happy you're FINALLY getting to see The Worst Person, enjoy babes! <3


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