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scriptedending February 10 2022, 20:48:42 UTC
I'll probably watch Kimi sometime this weekend.

Still haven't seen The Worst Person in the World... at first it was scheduling, then it was that all the evening showtimes were packed, now it's back to scheduling. But I reserved good seats for Valentine's Day, so I hope that ends up working out. The AMC it's at near me only has it on one small screen for some reason when it's been close to selling out multiple nights in a row.

Recent watches for me:

Flee, which was good and well made.

Pleasure, which was... a lot. I watched it for Independent Spirit Awards voting, but I kind of wish I hadn't. TW: SA, porn

[Spoiler (click to open)]All I knew about the film going in was that it was about a woman who was trying to be a porn star, and that was the general gist - a 19 year-old Swedish woman comes to LA to shoot porn. The film looks good and is competently made, with a cast composed of lots of people who are involved in the industry. The lead is beautiful, and while she's a little wooden at times, she has good screen presence.

It's clear that the film is meant to be an honest look at the shittiness of the industry, but it never probes too deeply into the main character's motivations or why she sticks it out as long as she does.

My biggest issue with it was that it goes way too far in terms of showing explicitly horrible shit. There's a scene about halfway through the film where the main character decides she is game to shoot a "rough sex" scene in order to get more work, and she gets there and it's just a director and the two dudes in the scene with her, and it is immediately fucking horrible, with these guys slapping her and spitting on her and pushing her around. It went on for so long (I was not watching, but I was crying just listening to it). I am 100% positive that if I'd been watching it in a theater, I would have walked out.

Thankfully, it doesn't get that awful again until the end, when it gets awful in a different way, but all this to say... why?? All of the porn scenes could have been a fraction of the length and gotten the same points across.

Part of me feels like maybe I am overly sensitive because I don't watch porn - the only porn I've ever seen was 1) incidental, like if it's on in a movie 2) one from the 70's at a sleepover when I was like 16, and it was more silly than anything.

But another part of me is like... who is this for, exactly?? I already didn't like the idea of porn, and I guess this just reinforced that feeling by 1000x, but I feel like the people who like that kind of shit would not be getting the takeaway that you might hope from the film. And I can't imagine watching this as a person who has experienced sexual assault or trauma. Anyway, afterward, I took a very long shower and spent half of it crying, so yeah, I would not recommend!


little_giant February 10 2022, 20:56:18 UTC
I'm looking forward to your opinion on "The Worst Person..." I saw it around a month ago and really enjoyed it.


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