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Comments 137

chll51 October 21 2021, 04:36:17 UTC
Damn. He's just about to have his come up moment. That's why you really got to make sure your past ain't messy. I hope his ex stays safe and his fans aren't crazy.


iznanassi October 21 2021, 04:38:00 UTC
His fans and the gp are attacking her bc women cant win. If i were her i would just stop making statements and let my lawyer handle it.


slaygalthessily October 21 2021, 05:03:53 UTC
Tbh, from what I’ve seen, a lot of times the one thing ppl can’t do is stop talking. He’s clearly done, but she’s posted since this saying she didn’t want this to happen and didn’t realize it would have a fall out (it’s impacted more than just her or him). But sometimes it seems like people on Pann talk until they back themselves into a corner and the public turns on them.


iznanassi October 21 2021, 05:08:34 UTC
Yeah thats what i was referring to. Esp as a woman her post will be taken in the worst possible way when she obviously is just trying to not be seen as some evil malicious golddigging bitter slut hag. The blowback shes getting now should be the sign for her to just not even engage w it anymore and just let her fancy lawyers smack down all these clowns.


ohwutevernvm October 21 2021, 04:42:21 UTC
Yeah I’ve seen this everywhere even on Tiktok. So major welp in disappointment. Mess. Haven’t seen hometown cha-cha-cha since I’m not even on Netflix as of lately.


adb7 October 21 2021, 04:46:33 UTC
This is insane. I'm watching Hometown Cha Cha Cha and don't really wanna finish now. I was trying to explain to a friend what the equivalent would be in US celeb world but IDK.


genbu_no_miko24 October 21 2021, 04:49:14 UTC
I was actually thinking how something like this might cause a scandal and conversation definitely BUT if said male actor lies low I could almost see him getting away with it or idk.

Because the Asian countries seems to go harder on scandals than over here or maybe my perception is wrong?

There would be a mix of sympathy and ridicule for the woman in question here I think.


awkward_as_heck October 21 2021, 07:14:29 UTC
I think both East and West go very hard on scandals, but the scandals themselves tend to be different. Male celebs in the west do a lot of nasty shit, but I think the cultural differences mean an accidental pregnancy would play out very differently. In the west, women have the law somewhat on their side when it comes to child support and custody ( ... )


callmeperhaps October 21 2021, 16:03:46 UTC
sorry, may i ask...who was the serving prime minister?


alkalinecupcake October 21 2021, 05:02:36 UTC
Woah this is so messy.

I hope she is safe and taken care of.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the both of them actually, yes he's a dick obvs, but it's Korea and it's hard to even come back from something like this (and i am not even talking about being on tv again, i am talking about general life) and then the death threats, doxxing and all, people really need to stop doing that. I hope she also takes legal actions to those who made the situation much much worse.


ohhhmydarling October 21 2021, 05:05:36 UTC
All of his fans are saying this isn't a scandal because "the abortion was consensual." It's really been making me sick all day.

Aside from the proof that he's straight-up evil, he's also an asshole. He made a solid reputation for himself by starring as "good boy" in Start-Up, and meanwhile, he did nothing but talk shit on the cast and director that boosted his career, calling people (with way more clout) ugly, crazy, etc. Who the hell does this guy think he is?


(The comment has been removed)

kris_terror October 21 2021, 12:16:01 UTC
The ex-girlfriend is the one who brought this to light in her post, she doesn’t name the show with the timeline it has to be when he was doing Start Up.


ohhhmydarling October 21 2021, 14:55:52 UTC
His ex wrote, "He might look like a good person on television, but he is actually cold and ungrateful. He would constantly badmouth the people he worked with on a daily basis. I could see why he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He even said that the senior actors whom he said that he admired weren’t actually all that great. Also, he would belittle the show which gave him that initial boost of popularity for having a dumb title. He also talked about how the following show underwent a title change since offering him a role and said that unless it goes back to the original title (which centers the show a bit more around his character), he would turn down the offer. Personally, I don’t think I would badmouth my coworkers as it would only show what kind of a person I am. But he didn’t hold back when he criticized the screenwriter and the director. With so much sarcasm, he referred to his director as a ‘crazy person trying to be artistic,’ complaining about how the director would shoot a single scene over and over again ( ... )


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