Priyanka Chopra Comments on "The Activist" Changes

Sep 16, 2021 21:01

Priyanka Chopra says she was 'moved' by criticism over 'The Activist': 'You were heard'
- Entertainment Weekly (@EW) September 17, 2021

Actress, activist, and Narendra Modi stan Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram to save face support the changes CBS has made to the show "The Activist". Originally pitched as a competition show ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, you in danger, who asked for this, activism / protest, reality show, priyanka chopra, television - cbs, actor / actress

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Comments 56

insomniachobs September 17 2021, 13:49:41 UTC
If they had their ear to their ground they’d have worked out making it a competition was a bad idea *before* anybody had to tell them.


sassandthecity September 17 2021, 13:55:07 UTC
The show sounds like something Jack Donaghy would've come up with on 30 Rock.


just444 September 17 2021, 16:53:12 UTC
It really does


zoaster_toaster September 17 2021, 17:55:07 UTC
My first thought is that this would’ve been a mock show Tahani would’ve hosted on The Good Place.


debbiesgirl September 17 2021, 13:58:41 UTC
xtinkerbellax September 17 2021, 14:14:15 UTC
Yea, competition has always made me uncomfortable since I was a kid and I hate how Americans seem so obsessed with turning everything into one. No wonder so many people are individualists to a fault.


therearewords September 17 2021, 14:33:07 UTC
Because you can't make money from people being satisfied where they are and at ease with not being the greatest.


lokiyan September 17 2021, 15:03:53 UTC
Because people with inherited wealth feel insecure that they bring literally no value to society and wield their power to subject everyone to the idea of the free market and encouraging competition to convince people into thinking that their station in life was earned through being better/smarter/stronger rather than winning the birth lottery.


manu19 September 17 2021, 14:05:46 UTC
Omg I read about this on twitter earlier and I thought they were talking about the drag race queen


xtinkerbellax September 17 2021, 14:10:47 UTC
I'm honestly so disgusted by the original concept, people really do not get it.


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