Jensen Ackles faces homophobic accusations

Sep 09, 2021 08:24

Supernatural star/kmart version Jeremy Renner recently just came off the heels of being criticized for his preformence as Dean Winchester in the series 18 episode of their final season. Some fans have noted and remarked "he looks like he's holding back a slur" while the angel character Castiel confesses his love for him. Well now he is once again ( Read more... )

jensen ackles, fandom / stan culture, slow news day, supernatural (cw)

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andromakhe001 September 9 2021, 17:58:33 UTC
He isn't homophobic towards anyone, male or female. This is utterly ridiculous. This has all been gone over time and time again. This is a shipper problem, not a homophobic problem. If you knew the people behind the account you'd never believe them ( ... )


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ty September 10 2021, 03:31:41 UTC
I liked your post, I was tl;dr after the first line of the post above.


klutzy_girl September 9 2021, 14:26:57 UTC
Oh, for fucks sake. This account is biased, full of lies, and out of context. They accused him of bad acting because "he didn't want to be there" during the confession scene when the man was excited and even came up with ideas for it. This account is clearly from someone who hates him. I can't believe this idiocy made it here and that you're giving it unwarranted attention.

He's an ally, who's supported Out Youth in Austin several times over the years.

He and Danneel hired Renee Reiff to head their production company, and she is co-founder of an LGBTQ advocacy group.

I won't deny he's said some problematic shit in the past all of this shit is so fucking old and he's grown out of his toxic masculinity.


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klutzy_girl September 9 2021, 14:33:08 UTC
He's a great actor.

Also, everyone's said problematic shit. I don't give a fuck anymore.


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surfermedley September 9 2021, 14:28:05 UTC
I see no homophobia here, just crazy entitled fans.


marzipanism September 9 2021, 14:57:30 UTC
Fuck me, they probably think thay him being against sam/Dean ship is also homophonic


dropdeadpirate September 9 2021, 17:00:01 UTC
That's what I thought this was about the whole time. I'd read somewhere that fan wanted to talk about wincest, which I wouldn't blame him for wanting to avoid. It's weird.


insomniachobs September 9 2021, 17:49:50 UTC
The context missing from this narrative is that J2M and their wives have all been harassed for years over slash shipping in the fandom. Asking shipping questions at cons became something of a taboo in the fandom because it would just start shit in panels with rival shippers going back and forth with actors caught in the middle.

Not that this necessarily is mutually exclusive with being homophobic, but it's no wonder he hates it. In his shoes I would also be extremely wary every time the topic came up or the show leaned into it (which it did, often and in queer baity ways)


hardto_remember September 9 2021, 14:29:57 UTC
The car question being a roundabout way of asking if he would fuck a car is super creepy lmao


frelling_tralk September 9 2021, 14:36:40 UTC
Lol yeah, I can see the fans point on Jensen having extreme hostility to the bisexuality and the Destial questions, but I do get his wtf response to the fan question on would you still call the impala baby if the car turned into a human male, because that is a pretty fucking weird question in all fairness 😂


kansascshuffle September 9 2021, 14:43:49 UTC
They might as well ask me "would you still call your dog a 'beautiful donut' if he turned into a human male?". What kind of ???


andromakhe001 September 9 2021, 19:53:10 UTC
It's pretty easy to see why he'd be "negative" to Destiel, at the start he was "whatever floats your boat" but the fans started trying to force their headcanons to be canon. That one of the con above where he supposedly insulted the bi questioner(if you read her explanation of what happened you see that isn't what happened ( ... )


queencersi September 9 2021, 14:34:57 UTC
Are we really making posts based on random month old twitter threads with 33 likes?
Most of this thread is a lot of reaching/assumptions being made.


looneyboy83 September 9 2021, 15:19:22 UTC
plus these incidences happened YEARS ago.


gimmemoarjosh September 10 2021, 00:07:17 UTC
And? Shit gets dug up all of the time. Literally. All. Of. The. Time.

That cowboy comment is especially not a good look.


looneyboy83 September 10 2021, 15:17:56 UTC
not excusing, but this was talked about way back when already so its just not 8 pages worth of comments from ONTD


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