Jensen Ackles faces homophobic accusations

Sep 09, 2021 08:24

Supernatural star/kmart version Jeremy Renner recently just came off the heels of being criticized for his preformence as Dean Winchester in the series 18 episode of their final season. Some fans have noted and remarked "he looks like he's holding back a slur" while the angel character Castiel confesses his love for him. Well now he is once again ( Read more... )

jensen ackles, fandom / stan culture, slow news day, supernatural (cw)

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surfermedley September 9 2021, 14:28:05 UTC
I see no homophobia here, just crazy entitled fans.


marzipanism September 9 2021, 14:57:30 UTC
Fuck me, they probably think thay him being against sam/Dean ship is also homophonic


dropdeadpirate September 9 2021, 17:00:01 UTC
That's what I thought this was about the whole time. I'd read somewhere that fan wanted to talk about wincest, which I wouldn't blame him for wanting to avoid. It's weird.


insomniachobs September 9 2021, 17:49:50 UTC
The context missing from this narrative is that J2M and their wives have all been harassed for years over slash shipping in the fandom. Asking shipping questions at cons became something of a taboo in the fandom because it would just start shit in panels with rival shippers going back and forth with actors caught in the middle.

Not that this necessarily is mutually exclusive with being homophobic, but it's no wonder he hates it. In his shoes I would also be extremely wary every time the topic came up or the show leaned into it (which it did, often and in queer baity ways)


recognitions September 9 2021, 18:52:17 UTC
Ok transphobe


vespertinev September 13 2021, 15:25:32 UTC
Let us never forget


recognitions September 15 2021, 00:52:27 UTC
They've skated by for so long but I remember the fucking horrific shit they've said


misscrystal September 9 2021, 19:07:48 UTC
NGL, I didn't read the post too hard or watch the videos, but my immediate suspicion was that this was down to Supernatural fans being creepy as fuck as usual.


andromakhe001 September 9 2021, 19:12:35 UTC
Plus the crazy threatening J2 fans who have and continue to threaten his wife and children. Including death threats. They had to hire a special cyber security company because of it and some people are saying the reason they've spent the last ten months in CO instead of TX is because of the threats. I don't know if that's true, because on the other hand Jensen always said he wanted to live in CO and his aunts(the lesbian ones that don't count because they are lesbian) live there and they are very close. You should see the hateful things Danneel gets on her instagram nearly every time she posts something ( ... )


xhalfwaythere September 9 2021, 19:45:57 UTC
This. I've seen so many actors get accused of homophobia because they don't pander to shippers. There's a difference between homophobia and an actor ignoring a ship. I hate how fans try to accuse actors of homophobia just because they're not giving them enough content for their tumblr gifs.


jcgabo September 10 2021, 01:15:02 UTC
the brokeback mountain joke absolutely is homophobic


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