Keira Knightley: I Don’t Know Any Woman Who Hasn’t Been Harassed, Groped, Flashed, or More

Jun 08, 2021 17:30

Keira Knightley: I Don’t Know Any Woman Who Hasn’t Been Harassed, Groped, Flashed, or More
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) June 8, 2021
In a new profile for Harper's Bazaar, Keira Knightley discussed misogyny and harassment in Hollywood and in general. During the interview a strange man approached Knightley ( Read more... )

sensitive content, keira knightley, sexism, interview

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Comments 155

pilotis June 8 2021, 16:18:26 UTC
one thing that makes this all extra worse is it seems that even parents are conditioned to think this way to the point that when shit has happened to me when out alone it's always been blamed on me without even so much as a comment to the man responsible. It's always like, well you were wearing this, or you were out at this time or whatever excuse they had to tell me in order for me to blame myself instead of holding these men accountable. Like yes, I should keep myself safe and I understand they were looking out for me, they're my parents, but it would've been nice for them to atleast acknowledge that the men were being assholes to me and that it was completely unacceptable for them to behave the way they were. Never did I hear them put blame on them or what disgusting pedophiles they were, or even say something like 'if I was there, he'd be dead!' so atleast I'd know it's their fault and not mine


hannahstarr June 8 2021, 16:52:26 UTC
yup. I would never tell my parents about any harassment I received, because I knew they would just blame me.


hateistoodark June 9 2021, 03:12:49 UTC
When I was like sixteen I was groped in the bus and didn’t tell them cause I thought they would blame me :/


angebleu June 8 2021, 16:19:50 UTC
I have some many instances that because you are friendly to a man they think they have the right to follow you. I was in a party and some guy followed me to my home with his car! Just because I talked to him. 🥴


easemybones June 8 2021, 17:19:40 UTC
One guy followed me home after a New Year's party because we talked a bit. I though he just wanted to get me home safe, but nope. The dude pinned be against the wall in front of my building and I had to scream and fight him off. I wasn't even flirting with him, didn't show any interest whatsoever, we were just talking.


einodia June 8 2021, 18:04:20 UTC
It's especially bad when these overly 'friendly' men work with you, because sometimes the only way to escape their attention is to quit the job.


nalaa1906 June 8 2021, 16:21:33 UTC
but there’s a curfew for women and there always has been

Ugh yes. I work until midnight a few days a week, take the bus and then walk home at almost 1am. I've been doing this for 10 years and it's still scary, sometimes I don't even realize how much it scares me until I hear footsteps behind me or something like that.


xdecadentx June 8 2021, 16:22:13 UTC
I don't either, but I know a lot of people who don't think what happened to them was harassment and I don't want to be the one who is like 'no, that was harassment' if they're trying to deal with it a different way in their minds.


khays June 8 2021, 16:41:38 UTC
Yep!! I believe the only women who would say they have never had these experiences just don't recognize them as harrassment. Only one time did I spend time educating another woman about what had actually happened to didn't go now I just let those women stay in ignorant bliss.


eomir June 8 2021, 17:06:53 UTC
I've never had anything physically violent happen to me so it's easy to act like you've not had these experiences but I've thought about how I'm sure I've been harassed in ways I didn't even realize because I didn't see it for what it was. I can't name specific experiences unless I think real hard and look at those things that most people wouldn't even call harassment. It's so simple and pervasive in a lot of ways. I also know that I think about my surroundings all the time and don't go most places at night so there's that too.


mila_s_garden June 8 2021, 18:37:29 UTC
Same. I think even the woman who has lived the most sheltered life has had to deal with some form of harassment, like catcalling sadly is so common that a lot of people don't see it that way, even if it makes them uncomfortable.


i just444 June 8 2021, 16:23:59 UTC
i see no lies


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