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sandstorm May 7 2021, 14:41:25 UTC
You have to be referred and then selected by committed for the honor of paying 8$ to match with old actors.


djbbgoose May 7 2021, 14:42:10 UTC
It’s specifically for “celebs”, influencers, and creatives


xellabelle May 7 2021, 14:45:07 UTC
Raya is for like "elite people" which apparently means a mix of celebrities, influencers and anyone who has connections to Hollywood. I get how some people might match with celebrities as a joke and start talking with them just because they're famous but have no interest in them like romantically

It's laughable when I was super young when watching Friends I was like "oh no, Matthew is like 20+years older than me, we can't be together!' lol and now people my age are probably too old for him


ishi_chan May 7 2021, 14:41:13 UTC
So Raya is this dating app for celebs right? What criteria do you have to fulfill to get on there? Not asking bc I want to lol but like...I feel like I keep reading stories about insta models or tik tokkers getting matched up with what i would think of as actual celebs and idk...there's just something creepy about it. Like this app is "actual celebs" and people (though the ones I read about were exclusively young women) who are basically just young and hot and nobody's ever rly heard about them (though I know they probs have a ton of followers on SM) ....like it feels rly seedy tbh


sandstorm May 7 2021, 14:41:52 UTC

"Membership in Raya costs $7.99 per month. To join Raya, users must be referred by an existing member, and then their application is voted on by a membership committee. The acceptance rate for Raya membership applications is approximately eight percent."


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sandstorm May 7 2021, 14:49:01 UTC
They act like it's gaining membership into the AMPAS 😩😩😭


justrachna May 7 2021, 14:41:59 UTC
Eewww gross he’s old enough to be her dad. Why didn’t he filter out TEENAGE girls????


wirepatch May 7 2021, 15:50:00 UTC
oh come on you know why


justrachna May 7 2021, 15:55:13 UTC
I think you misunderstood, the question didn’t require an answer. It was there to make a point


wirepatch May 7 2021, 16:01:11 UTC
oooooh i apologise.


t_snake May 7 2021, 14:44:36 UTC
Anybody with a raya pass here? I don't want to ask at work, it would be embarrassing tbh.

Help a sis get laid, ontd!


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t_snake May 7 2021, 15:00:11 UTC
Lol I really can't I'm 29. To men I'm practically dead. Idk w women tho?
Still, too old and way too educated for men. I'll take what I can get (which is currently nothing)


brokecouture May 7 2021, 18:00:58 UTC
Ugh don’t say thisss. I was born in 91 trying not to feel like my dating life is going to be worse than it was in my 20s 😭


helloitsmeabby May 7 2021, 14:46:54 UTC

... )


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