TikTok user who went viral after posting she matched with Matthew Perry on Raya was 19 at the time

May 07, 2021 09:07

TikTok user who matched with Matthew Perry on Raya at age 19 speaks out https://t.co/O4zysIWwPW pic.twitter.com/TsxHPJtXIV
- Page Six (@PageSix) May 6, 2021

Kate Haralson went viral after posting a private facetime call she had with Matthew Perry. She was 19 at the time and says he asked her to move their conversations from Raya to FaceTime almost immediately after matching.

She says she has matched with other celebes before but doesn't "ever talk to old guys". Perry suggested they ask each other questions back and forth to get to know each other, eventhough the questions were not sexual she felt waeird at times cuz she told him upfront that she was 19.

Haralson says:

“I don’t think he minded that, it kind of felt weird talking to someone my dad’s age and it just felt not right, especially when he knew how young I was.”

She was inspired to post the video after Nivine Jay posted the Ben Affleck one a week ago. She has gotten in touch with Nivine through DM's, who warned her about the hate comments she might get. Haralson took down the video less than 24 hours after posting it because she felt bad about it, she got a lot of hate from Friends/Matthew Perry fans.

She concluded by saying: "Honestly, it’s not really OK for these older guys to be talking to such young girls.”

DeuxMoi also has someone else saying she matched with Matthew and she was 18 to 19 at the time.

Source: https://twitter.com/PageSix/status/1390387063753695233

scandal, celebrity encounter
