Mark Hamill Comments On Viral Mystery Animal In A Tree That Turned Out To Be A Croissant

Apr 18, 2021 06:14

The real mystery remains: How was the croissant able to climb that high?
- Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) April 17, 2021
A woman in Kraków, Poland called her local animal help center (Kraków Animal Welfare Society) and reported a strange animal (possibly an iguana) in a tree near her home ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, i can't, food / food industry, slow news day, viral, actor / actress

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Comments 80

sandstorm April 18 2021, 13:58:22 UTC
I like the idea that even the bids and other animals were too afraid to approach it.


inwazyja April 18 2021, 14:00:59 UTC
Also the best bit of the story is that the woman insisted that's it's a 'Lagun' (not a thing) which she confused with 'Legwan' (iguana), which this great, terrifying animal clearly looks like imo.

... )


patenipat April 18 2021, 19:40:50 UTC
thanks for explaining! I almost thought I forgot a polish word there... wyglada jak pancernik.


asnindie April 18 2021, 14:02:37 UTC
Looks over done tbh


peddlestools April 18 2021, 15:20:34 UTC
That's why someone threw it in the tree


anterrabre April 18 2021, 14:04:22 UTC
This reminds me of when someone was high as hell chasing what they thought was an animal down the street one night while screaming "Come back! I've never seen one like you before" only to play the footage back on their phone the next day to discover it was a black plastic bag blowing in the breeze!


ext_2796703 April 18 2021, 14:04:28 UTC
Didn’t they figure out it wasn’t alive when it never once moved?


inwazyja April 18 2021, 14:08:32 UTC
nope, the fb post from the animal authorities was like 'we wondered whether, considering it hasn't moved for days, the creature was even still alive' before they arrived.


pi_lady April 18 2021, 23:21:53 UTC
After reading up on this, I'm pretty certain somebody must have been high in this story. lmao


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