Mark Hamill Comments On Viral Mystery Animal In A Tree That Turned Out To Be A Croissant

Apr 18, 2021 06:14

The real mystery remains: How was the croissant able to climb that high?
- Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) April 17, 2021

A woman in Kraków, Poland called her local animal help center (Kraków Animal Welfare Society) and reported a strange animal (possibly an iguana) in a tree near her home.

The woman told officials, “It's been sitting in a tree across the house for two days! People don’t open windows because they’re afraid it’s going to enter their house!”

When they arrived to check on this menacing creature, it turned out it was just a croissant chilling in a tree.

Welp. It’s butter to be safe than sorry.

I’ll let myself out.

It is unclear how the croissant ended up there, but some theorized the croissant was thrown out of a window as a treat for birds in the area and ended up getting stuck in the tree.

Who can never be sure.

[One more cut]

Earlier this week, authorities in Krakow said in a Facebook post that a woman called them to report a creature sitting in the tree across from her house.
- euronews (@euronews) April 16, 2021

In a lighthearted account of events, the officer, who calls himself "Inspector Adam", describes how the caller insisted the animal was not a large bird, going on to suggest it could be an iguana.
- euronews (@euronews) April 16, 2021

The authority's jokey post was followed with a more serious message in which they advised the public to always report animal sightings they are concerned about if they are in doubt.
- euronews (@euronews) April 16, 2021

Facebook post

Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

celebrity social media, i can't, food / food industry, slow news day, viral, actor / actress
