Riverdale 5x06 Promo, "Back to School"

Feb 18, 2021 02:48

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BULLDOG PRIDE - The Core Four prepare for their first day as Riverdale High’s newest teachers in the newly privatized high school ( Read more... )

television - cw, riverdale (cw), television promo / stills

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Comments 105

stewie_e February 18 2021, 14:28:41 UTC
OP plz let me know when this airs...




ohwutevernvm February 18 2021, 14:36:42 UTC
Gasp. Ouch.

... )


fernandocolunga February 18 2021, 16:30:31 UTC
he's looking so good this season


zodgory February 18 2021, 19:19:11 UTC
Alas, I really only keep up with the show ala visiting the tumblr gif tag

It'll probably be the same scene as this I guess lol



notoriousreign February 18 2021, 14:38:34 UTC
Barchie was HOT! Good for them! And good for them pissing off the Bugheads.

Even with that stupid-ass hair, I would still let Reggie and those cheekbones do whatever he wants to me God bless.


jeterluva February 18 2021, 15:21:53 UTC
The slicked back hair fits the character right now imo


notoriousreign February 18 2021, 15:57:53 UTC
Yeah, I don't mind it. For a hot second though it looked like he had a mullet and yet. I still would.


lets_hugg_x3 February 18 2021, 14:39:37 UTC
that shower scene was waaay more explicit than i thought it would be lmao like?!

... )


browneyedguuurl February 18 2021, 14:54:31 UTC
Holyyyyy! Imma need to start watching again.


minstradamus February 18 2021, 16:37:50 UTC
Today's ep was way better than last two seasons.


just444 February 18 2021, 15:03:54 UTC
acting is so weird man, imagine doing that with your friend, lol


ohwutevernvm February 18 2021, 14:45:42 UTC
I’m scandalized by this gif. Scandalous!


just444 February 18 2021, 15:02:43 UTC
i continue to wonder if Cole is ok, his weight is jojo-ing hard, even between scenes

the way they completely sidelined Cheryl is odd, they just have way too many characters


colonel_green February 18 2021, 15:21:57 UTC
The big four are the only people on the show who consistently get screentime, so there’s always going to be jockeying for who else gets featured. Cheryl was the winner of that jockeying more often than not in the first four seasons, so I think a concerted push to elevate Toni almost invariably would come at her expense (I do appreciate, though, the writers giving Toni stuff away from Cheryl - shows too often fall into a rut of only having certain characters interact).

Vanessa also went on maternity leave at some point in production, so that’s extra incentive for the writers to give her a lot upfront.


zodgory February 18 2021, 19:16:50 UTC
I'm glad that Vanessa spoke out and does seem to be getting her own material


waxandstrings February 18 2021, 21:02:13 UTC
as a cheryl stan, i don't mind her taking a back seat for two episodes (she had prominent stuff in the first three of the season and will again soon so eh) and there's always been lull in screentime for her so i don't get why people are so surprised after just two episodes, but i do think it's ridiculous that instead of taking screentime away from the core four that constantly eat it up, they're going to focus more on the supporting characters that already don't get much screentime in comparison. truly never watched a show that has only consistently cared about four of its characters like riverdale does, except maybe glee


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