Ava DuVernay wishes Trump well, gets angry when peole call her out on it

Oct 06, 2020 15:24

did you or did you not "truly hope" he got well two days ago? and now you're shocked he's evil? Girl. https://t.co/xyasMRYrnt pic.twitter.com/txG84Ucklf
- kinsey clarke (@tinykinseyscale) October 5, 2020
-Ava, who directed a whole show about the Central Park Five, tweeted out well wishes for sick Trump ( Read more... )

ava duvernay, black celebrities

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Comments 275

spoil October 6 2020, 13:55:06 UTC
I've seen people say things like this, they don't want him to die because that's too easy in their pov. They want him to be humiliated and voted out of office and given justice, they deem proper (whatever that may look like). Personally, I would be fine with him croaking.

I got put in time out for 6 days for wishing Tabby Llama to die after her obnoxious tweet about Biden needing purse to go with his mask. I hate this timeline sfm.


sandstorm October 6 2020, 14:48:59 UTC
Right. I think it's very naive to assume any charges would stick against him or that they would seriously mangle his image.


(The comment has been removed)

spoil October 6 2020, 15:09:28 UTC
Not sure why it's suddenly wrong to wish an evil racist a horrible death, tired of people acting like we have to be polite to someone who wouldn't spit on us if we were dying just because he's ~the president~ like get out of here with that crock of shit.


laceandskin October 6 2020, 13:55:42 UTC
I mean, I'd like to see him live and be voted out, become a joke then lose everything and live miserably for the rest of his life but I wouldn't mind if he died either.
It's too early for this kind of drama.


sleepofplagues October 6 2020, 13:57:07 UTC
What’s the point of being a celebrity With an active social media if you can’t handle criticism?


genbu_no_miko24 October 6 2020, 13:59:39 UTC
I don’t mind celebs not being able criticism cause I’m terrible at it too 😅

But sometimes I think the celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio or Robert De Niro who’s accounts are handled by PR people are probably smarter in the long run.


ext_2796703 October 6 2020, 14:06:15 UTC
For sure. If I were famous, I’d never handle my own social media. Why would you risk that?


genbu_no_miko24 October 6 2020, 14:12:07 UTC
Yep. At best I’d just do simple safe stuff like RT funny stuff or announce upcoming stuff. I’d try avoid getting into debates with people. It’s just not worth it sometimes…being an engaged celeb on social media feels so stressful. Having the 4th wall between fans and celebs needs to re-adopted again by celebs.


helders October 6 2020, 13:58:18 UTC
I don't really understand Ava tagging Kinsey's employer, and I don't agree with Ava's comments, but I also think as an adult and a professional, Kinsey should've been more mindful. The optics of a powerful black woman trying to get someone who is barely established fire is not ok, but also, if you're going to have your employer in your bio, you need to own what you say.


theactualworst October 6 2020, 14:02:09 UTC
Nothing she said warranted involving her employer wtf?


numara October 6 2020, 14:02:12 UTC
kinsey unlike ava didn't delete her tweets so i dont think she's the one who has issue with owning what she says.


dandyxwarhol October 6 2020, 14:05:20 UTC
I disagree with you 1/2 way. I don't think Ava should be trying to talk to her manager. But I do think if you work for a media company, put that on your bio/your account isn't anonymous, you're kind of defacto speaking on their behalf in a way that makes it fair game for that company to control what you're saying.


jjazaran October 6 2020, 14:00:17 UTC
“I’m used to attacks on here”

No, she’s used to making herself the victim, like that time she was attacked by Bernie bros.


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