Heather Morris offers to help with search for Naya Rivera

Jul 12, 2020 11:51

My name is Heather Morris, I'm Nayas close friend and co-worker, and I'm trying to conduct an on foot search and rescue mission along with a small group of friends at Lake Piru. I understand your team is doing EVERYTHING in their power, but we are feeling helpless, powerless and
- heather (@HeatherMorrisTV) July 12, 2020
Heather Morris, who played ( Read more... )

glee (fox), naya rivera

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Comments 242

soyymilk July 12 2020, 12:50:49 UTC
this has been keeping me up at night. i never watched glee or stanned but i feel so connected to this case, maybe bc ive lived through the trauma of losing my mom and it really pains my heart to think this boy is going to have to grow up without his.

going by nayas instagram she seemed to always be around water so this was just another day at the lake for her that went terribly wrong. reading up on water safety and how easy it is to drown, i had no idea. it really needs to be universally taught. this has been such a scary eye opener. this shouldnt have been the end to her story, she had so much more life to live, for herself and for her boy. and as i get older i realise life is cruel and unfair and makes no sense at all. i hope they find her soon to give her boy and family a little bit of closure at least.


_m3_ July 12 2020, 19:41:57 UTC
I never watched the show either but this one is hitting me hard as well. I keep thinking of how she must have felt if she was drowning knowing her little boy was up where she couldn't get him, how angry and scared she must have been. I have this weird hope that she remembers swim class where hopefully she was taught that when you get tired treading water, you turn over and float on your back. Maybe she's alive, I keep hoping, but the fact she EVER took off her life vest is not a good sign. It's just so awful. :(


talklikelions July 12 2020, 20:29:47 UTC

I think losing my mom is part of why I can’t get this off my mind either. It’s truly haunting me. And yeah, the fact that she was at the water all the time- it sounds like she was a strong swimmer and she knew the lake. I’m not afraid of the water bc I’m a really good swimmer and this has been a huge reminder that it’s dangerous for anyone. And above all, HAVE ANOTHER ADULT THERE if there’s no lifeguard or water watcher on duty. I highly doubt she thought of it as dangerous but without another adult the smallest thing going wrong can turn into disaster.

I keep hoping there’s a miracle and she’s on shore somewhere but honestly we all know what the reality is and it’s so ducking heartbreaking :(


feelingcold July 13 2020, 04:03:09 UTC

THIS. I was a lifeguard (and lifeguard instructor) for years and people put way too much weight on being a 'strong swimmer.' Generally people suffer an accident that would be no big deal except that they are alone and in water.

I was on a sailing trip once and had been kneeling for a long time while taking photos of fish. I stood up quickly, fainted and fell off the side of the boat. I'd never fainted before in my life and had been feeling fine. It was a complete freak accident and I could easily have drowned if my friend had not seen it happen.


dangeronshow July 12 2020, 12:53:37 UTC
she and naya must have experienced so much together on the glee set. not just playing a couple, but singing and dancing and practicing and dealing with the hardcore brittana stans. i had such a love hate relationship with glee but my heart hurts thinking about naya. she seemed so happy with her little boy


anachan87 July 12 2020, 13:44:33 UTC
And Heather's second kid is just 6 months younger than Naya's :/


purplehaze_878 July 12 2020, 14:04:03 UTC
I was listening to their episode on Jenna and Kevin's glee podcast just last month, it was so funny, their friendship is truly something special. I couldn't imagine losing such a close friend in such a tragic way.


waxandstrings July 12 2020, 18:56:18 UTC
they were always a "two shot" as they said in those first two seasons, i'm sure almost all of heather's biggest glee memories involve naya. i can't imagine it will be easy to look back on going forward


likeanunmadebed July 12 2020, 13:00:30 UTC
I really hope they find her so everyone can get closure. What’s likely a drowning has turned into one big conspiracy, like “she was clearly up to something if she parked her car like that!”


effervescent July 12 2020, 16:44:33 UTC
Yeah, I was just thinking about that. The unresolved mysteries sub on Reddit has more than a few cases where people are determined that 'something must have happened!' even though the most likely answer is that the person wandered off and died in the wilderness, etc.


thelxienoe July 13 2020, 14:26:08 UTC
ughhh r/unresolvedmysteries or whatever had a couple threads about a girl whose family i went to school with (she was younger than me so i don't remember her). they were trying to postulate what kind of person she was/what kind of skills she would have based on where she grew up and they were so wrong that it made me mad.


jellycar July 12 2020, 13:00:37 UTC
i saw a post on twitter yesterday saying they think she’s hiding in some bushes with an injured leg? i really hope she is found alive but if someone made that up they’re a sick fuck


ionadelfina July 12 2020, 13:09:21 UTC
I'm sure if this were true, she would've already been found. People are just spinning fanfic at this point.


warwarwar July 12 2020, 13:26:49 UTC
I don’t see how someone would come to that conclusion based on what I’ve read online but who knows


nebbysbag July 12 2020, 13:36:59 UTC
There was footage released (from a helicopter or drone) that shows what looks like a body leaning against rocks.

The footage is from day 2, and is from along the shore (where they searched).

It’s been picking up steam on Twitter lately bc a psychic changed her story to fit that narrative (that she’ll be found by that rock).


ashlibrooke July 12 2020, 13:18:41 UTC
When I first told my spouse about this case, he asked, "Is it possible someone took her?"

I told him I didn't think so because her son is old enough to convey that to the police and he said she went under water and never came back up. Plus there would be witnesses if there was a struggle like that I would assume.


just444 July 12 2020, 13:50:37 UTC
going by the CCTV tape they were pretty much the only people on that lake, there were like three cars on the lot


xtinkerbellax July 12 2020, 14:22:45 UTC
I've seen a ton of people say they think she was abducted, as if someone came out of the water and grabbed her when her son's back was turn. Covid was bad enough in terms of my low opinions of people, this sad situation is making them worse.


ashlibrooke July 12 2020, 14:44:03 UTC
I don't think that's how my spouse meant it. He thought maybe someone on another boat or the shore (not necessarily realizing she is famous) figured out that it was just a mother and son by themselves on a boat. Maybe they talked to them being friendly then grabbed and took her. They could have left the child.

I do not believe that this happened because her son would have told the police. But I can see why people would in the very least question this scenario.


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