Taylor Swift says Kanye moment is still "burrowed into my psyche"

Jan 22, 2020 16:55

Taylor Swift Says Kanye West Moment 'Burrowed Into My Psyche' but She Doesn't 'Think Too Hard' About It Now https://t.co/fgQxu0KSOf
- People (@people) January 21, 2020
Taylor Swift reveals she's still affected by the Kanye West interruption that took place at 2009's VMAs ( Read more... )

award show - mtv vmas, celebrity feud, taylor swift, kanye west

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Comments 159

genbu_no_miko24 January 23 2020, 03:09:54 UTC
ETA: "The film will be released in select theaters and on Netflix on January 31st."

Ah perfect timing to bring up this well-known old scandal to build up hype for the upcoming netflix special. I see you Taylor.

LOL this is why people consider her disingenuous. Everything she does is calculated to benefit her narratives or albums.


weighty_ghost January 23 2020, 03:14:52 UTC
dont forget her performance at the grammys this weekend


genbu_no_miko24 January 23 2020, 03:18:34 UTC
If she wasn't so fake I'd almost admire her PR hustle. Girl is a snake lol.


ellumination January 23 2020, 04:56:41 UTC
I mean I think she was asked about it by the director of the doc in promotion for the doc. It’s from the Variety interview.


bohemiancouture January 23 2020, 03:11:29 UTC
I wish she'd stop beating a dead horse.

It also makes me sad that in 2015 she felt like she earned his respect. That's so inherently misogynistic and she shouldn't have to earn his anything.


ellumination January 23 2020, 05:14:53 UTC
I agree. Kanye never respected her. I don’t know why he bothered to befriend her. They both should’ve let the shit die.


weighty_ghost January 23 2020, 03:14:05 UTC
Taylor... just

... )


aaronnyc89 January 23 2020, 03:16:13 UTC
genbu_no_miko24 January 23 2020, 03:21:50 UTC
Idk if it's her success because I don't see people hating on Adele. I would apply that more to someone like Beyoncé because she's black and successful and still ambitious...that pisses people off.

Taylor is more so the fake victimhood persona that annoys people. Had she dropped that a long time ago and mature her lyrics people wouldn't be so critical of her.


piratesswoop January 31 2020, 00:56:54 UTC
people don’t hate on adele because she doesn’t do anything lmao. she releases an album then vanishes for 4 years.


genbu_no_miko24 January 31 2020, 01:10:41 UTC
It was mostly in response to the people hate successful woman part. Adele is a SUPER successful woman but you don't see people hating on her for that. Taylor is also super successful but most of the ire she works up in people is more do to her antics than her successes.


justice4harambe January 23 2020, 03:16:30 UTC
Taylor pulling this event back up 11 years later:

... )


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