Tiffany Pollard Had to Remove Her Breast Implants After Becoming Deathly Ill

Nov 05, 2019 19:21

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Tiffany "New York" Pollard, legend and icon, had removed her breast implants, which are also legends and icons. Why? She became severely ill, possibly due to them.

She experienced "diarrhea every morning like clockwork... dizzy...panic attacks."

She learned that thousands of women around the world have gotten severely ill from Breast Implant ( Read more... )

reality show celebrity, reality show - vh1, black celebrities, television - vh1, internet celebrities

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Comments 85

my_moloko November 6 2019, 02:55:00 UTC
I fucking love Botched. It follows the same pattern every week but I love watching the surgeries. I wish they would show it without the blurring. Although some of the procedures are a little gross.


breadprincess November 6 2019, 03:22:22 UTC
The reconstructive work they do is absolutely fascinating to watch tbh


fr3shtodeath November 7 2019, 21:33:23 UTC
I always think that, like if someone had issues with their nipples, why can't we see the corrected nipples? It's not sexual at all.


frejasface November 6 2019, 03:00:10 UTC
Breast implant illness sounds so scary.


ay_ellepea November 6 2019, 03:04:57 UTC
OP, I have heard of people getting ill from implants. Scary stuff

I’m glad she got them removed since they were affecting her health


sugarstarfaerie November 6 2019, 03:08:02 UTC
A girl I went to college with got breast implants and got extremely sick. Didn't know it was her implants until she read about the symptoms on some random blog. She had them removed but she almost died. She's an anti-breast implant advocate now, I think at the very least she is calling for more upfront disclosures on the risks involved, as her surgeon made the whole thing seem extremely low-risk.

Honestly any medical professional who advertises that they do cosmetic procedures (e.g. dermatologists who list Botox or skin rejuvenation or whatever as their speciality ABOVE actual medical issues) is not to be trusted, imo.


tucker November 6 2019, 03:24:26 UTC
Honestly any medical professional who advertises that they do cosmetic procedures (e.g. dermatologists who list Botox or skin rejuvenation or whatever as their speciality ABOVE actual medical issues) is not to be trusted, imo.

Hmm I would only want to go to someone who specialized in cosmetic procedures though because that’s clearly their passion. I wouldn’t want to get Botox from a dermatologist who spends most of their time treating rashes or teenage acne

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you


sugarstarfaerie November 6 2019, 03:59:34 UTC
Sorry lol I was unclear. I meant like, to go to a professional for anything non-cosmetic. Like with the example with the dermatologist, if you have a skin growth or a rash, I would not recommend going to a dermatologist that advertises their cosmetic specialties above their medical ones.

But also tbh I just generally feel iffy about medical professionals who specialize in cosmetic procedures anyway because 99% of them prey on women who have insecurities based on misogynistic societal standards. BUT of course if someone were to choose to go to a professional for a cosmetic procedure, the professional definitely should specialize in that procedure lol


tucker November 6 2019, 04:05:05 UTC
Gotcha, and I agree

In fact the medical company that I go to (that have really impressed me like I think they are all so great) were advertising Botox and filler when I was on hold and I was like this is Botox and filler for cosmetic specialists lol not normal doctors where you go when you feel sick lol


laceandskin November 6 2019, 03:09:54 UTC
There has been a lot of shitty news regarding implants lately but I'm still not afraid of going under the knife. God knows how long I've dreamed of having bigger boobs, probably since I was like 10.


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