quinta brunson on gina rodriguez: "gina don't care lol"

Oct 15, 2019 20:58

I don’t feel bad about this because I told Gina to her face to chill out at an event. She didn’t listen. So here we are pic.twitter.com/pyQvbz9LM1
- quinta brunson (@quintabrunson) October 15, 2019

Just dropping N word in videos. Lol. Gina don’t care lol.
- quinta brunson (@quintabrunson) October 15, 2019
noted hater and all around antiblack asshat ( Read more... )

gina rodriguez, you in danger, bye felicia, black celebrities, latino celebrities, race / racism

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Comments 220

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su_metal October 16 2019, 02:56:43 UTC
if it was the first time she didn't say something racist and she was singing then yeah you could say we can do a pass but yesh...


elktrail October 16 2019, 21:46:21 UTC
On Twitter today I kept seeing (mostly white) people saying "if they don't want people to sing it, they shouldn't have it in the song!" as if people are possessed by some weird music demon that forces you to sing anything you hear ever


richyrich909 October 16 2019, 02:26:12 UTC
I love her. Quinta btw. Gina can choke and should have sat there and ate her food.


pikapika217 October 16 2019, 02:28:44 UTC
Glad someone just up and said this LMAO

ETA - but damn: again I miss 'the read' on thursdays because I KNOW they would've had a FIELD DAY not only with Gina but with this response. Hopefully it's on this week's episode LMAO


numara October 16 2019, 02:42:35 UTC
right, i'm just glad there are ppl in the industry actually acknowledging how fucked up she is


sestiere October 16 2019, 02:30:09 UTC
it's not even just a song.. she recorded herself saying that part of a song. she knew it was risky.


spellgabbana October 16 2019, 03:51:57 UTC
yeah she was silent a moment before but then sang that line! like come on.


captain_oats__ October 16 2019, 04:18:01 UTC
And she fucking laughed & smiled after. Disgusting


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sandstorm October 16 2019, 02:30:11 UTC
petition to change her tag to Karmen Klandiego tbh


syntheses October 17 2019, 02:42:02 UTC
i love this comment


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